Typical issues
Error while loading fthc.ko module after kernel upgrade.
After upgrading the Linux kernel to new version an error may occur:
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module fthc.ko: Invalid module format.
This issue appears because the module was built for previous kernel version. To resolve the issue you should rebuild the module and load it again:
$ cd /opt/ftvusbnet/module/fthc/ $ sudo make clean $ sudo make $ sudo insmod fthc.ko
If there is a bug with the functionality of our software, do the following:
To enable debug log for USB over Network (Linux version) Client, uncomment or add the next line in the configuraion file:
log debug file /var/log/ftvusbnetd.log
- After enabling the logging, reinitialize the ftvusbnetd daemon. See the Configuration File topic of this help for more information.
- Enable logging on the USB over Network (Server) side. For more information, see the Troubleshooting help topic of corresponding product.
If your hardware/OS provides you with just read-only filesystems you need to refer to vendor’s documentation how to enable read/write filesystem.
Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times. Remember local time when the problem was reproduced.
After you restart the product in logging mode, ftvusbnetd.log file will be created in the following location:
/var/log/ftvusbnetd.logAdd this file to archive.
Send archived logs to us ().
Specify local time when the problem was reproduced and both local and remote user names who was involved in the reproducing.
Disable logging (in order to improve the performance of your PC).
To disable logging, comment the next line in the configuraion file:
# log debug file /var/log/ftvusbnetd.log
- After disabling the logging, reinitialize the ftvusbnetd daemon. See the Configuration File topic of this help for more information.