Command Line Interface

USB over Network (macOS version) includes a standalone command-line interface (CLI) utilities, which are used for program management.
To launch the utility simply run usbphysctl
or usbvirtctl
in the Terminal.
Command-line syntax cheat sheet
Notation | Example | Description |
Text without brackets | command | Items which must be typed as shown. |
Text in square brackets | [optional] | Optional parameter. |
Text in angle brackets | <value> | Placeholder for user-provided values. |
Text in curly braces | { required_value =0|=1 } | Group of required choices. At least one option must be included. |
Pipe | option_1|option_2 | Divider between alternative options. Only one option can be selected. |
This utility is used to manage physical devices, plugged into your Mac. To display the full list of commands and options available for the CLI utility, launch it with -h option in the Terminal:
$ usbphysctl -h Usage: usbphysctl dev - show list of devices usbphysctl dev list - show list of devices usbphysctl dev unplug <devId> - disconnect the device usbphysctl dev share <devId> - create rule for sharing exact device usbphysctl dev block <devId> - create rule for blocking exact device usbphysctl conn - show list of active connections usbphysctl conn list - show list of active connections usbphysctl conn drop [-p port] <host> - drop connection with the host usbphysctl rule - show numbered list of sharing rules usbphysctl rule list [-N] - same as above -N - output without rule index usbphysctl rule load [<path>] - load ruleset from <path> or stdin usbphysctl rule edit - edit current ruleset usbphysctl rule test [-f <path>] -r|-h <host> <devId> - test rules -r - remote desktop connection -h <host> - connection from host -f <path> - ruleset from <path> or - for stdin usbphysctl lic - show license information usbphysctl lic show - show license information usbphysctl lic load [-y|-n] [<path>] - load license key from <path> or stdin -y - don't ask for confirmation, apply license key -n - check license key without applying it usbphysctl pref - show list of preferences usbphysctl pref list - show list of preferences usbphysctl pref add vid[:pid[:revision]] preferences - add preferences for devices preferences: grab_on_plug usbphysctl pref remove vid[:pid[:revision]] - remove preferences for devices usbphysctl monitor - monitor events from the daemon usbphysctl -h - this help
- Administrative rights are required to drop connection with host or apply license key.
- After executing
usbphysctl conn drop
command the client will be prevented from reconnect during the next 30 seconds - After executing
usbphysctl dev unplug
command the device will be prevented from reconnect by this client during the next 10 seconds
This utility is used to manage remote devices, shared on another computers (so-called servers). To display the full list of commands and options available for the CLI utility, launch it with -h option in the Terminal:
Usage: usbvirtctl srv - show list of servers and their devices usbvirtctl srv list [-D] - show list of servers and their devices if -D is not specified usbvirtctl srv add [-p <TCPport>] <host> - add server usbvirtctl srv remove <HOST-ID> - remove server usbvirtctl srv disconnect <HOST-ID> - disconnect server usbvirtctl srv reconnect <HOST-ID> - reconnect server usbvirtctl dev - show list of devices from all servers usbvirtctl dev list [-n|-N|-p] - show sorted list of all devices by serverId:deviceId. -n - sort by ascending name -N - sort by descending name -p - show plugged devices only usbvirtctl dev plug [-1] <DEVICE-ID> - plug virtual device to the system -1 - plug the device once without further replug usbvirtctl dev unplug <DEVICE-ID> - unplug virtual device from the system usbvirtctl -h - this help HOST-ID: [-p <TCPport>] -h <host> -i <serverId> DEVICE-ID: <HOST-ID> <deviceId> <serverId>:<deviceId>