Command Line Interface

Use USBCLNCmd.exe console program to configure the program via command line interface.

Command line USBCLNCmd.exe file is created during the program installation. You can find it in USB over Network Client program folder.

USB over Network Client console utility
Copyright © 2000-2024 FabulaTech 

Usage: usbclncmd.exe command [option]


list                            List USB over Network Servers.
list -t                         List device tags.
list [-a|-v|-o|-t] [-D] [<srvID>|<ServerName>[:<Port>]]
                                List USB over Network Servers, where:
                                -a - show shared USB devices also;
                                -v - show shared USB devices, verbose output;
                                -o - show shared USB devices, alternative style;
                                -D - do not show Discovered servers;
                                srvID - show only Server identified by srvID;
                                ServerName:Port - show only Server identified by 
                                server name and port.
add [-a] <host> [<port>] [-P <password>]
                                Add a new USB over Network Server, where:
                                host - hostname or IP-address of the Server;
                                port - TCP port;
                                -a - auto-connect all available devices from 
                                the server;
                                -P - password if required.
del <srvID>|all                 Disconnect and remove the USB over Network
                                Server identified by srvID or all Servers.
connect { <srvID> | -ip <server>:<port> } 
{ <devID> | -a <VID:PID:REV> { -p <Port> | -s <Serial> } } [-P <password>]
                                Connect the USB device identified by the 
                                following combination of parameters:
                                srvID (or host:port) and devID;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Serial.
                                -P - device's password if required.
disconnect { <srvID> | -ip <server>:<port> } 
{ <devID> | -a <VID:PID:REV> { -p <Port> | -s <Serial> } }
                                Disconnect the USB device identified by the 
                                following combination of parameters:
                                srvID (or host:port) and devID;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Serial.
autoconnect <srvID> | { -t <tagID> } [=1|=0]
                                Display status, enable or disable automatic 
                                connection of:
                                srvID - all available USB devices from the 
                                USB over Network Server identified by the srvID.
                                -t tagID - first available device identified by 
                                the <tagID>
prevent { <srvID> | -ip <server>:<port> } 
{ <devID> | -a <VID:PID:REV> { -p <Port> | -s <Serial> } } <=0|=1>
                                Prevent the device from automatic connection.
                                The USB device identified by the following 
                                combination of parameters:
                                srvID (or host:port) and devID;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
                                srvID (or host:port) and VID:PID:REV:Serial.
                                =1 - prevent from automatic connection;
                                =0 - disable this setting.
callback                         List active callback connections to USB over 
                                Network Servers.
callback deny                   Deny callback connections to the Client.
callback allow [-r] [-a]        Allow callback connections to the Client, where:
                                -r - allow only connections with confirmation;
                                USB over Network Client GUI must be launched
                                to show callback connection requests;
                                -a - connect all available devices from
                                the callback Server automatically.
callback port                    Display TCP port used for callback connections.
callback port <port>|-r         Set the TCP port for callback connections or
                                set default TCP port.
callback pass -t <password>     Set the password for callback connections.
callback pass -e                Enable password verification for callback 
callback pass -d                Disable password verification for callback 
ssl =1|=0                       Enable or disable SSL.
ssl use_trusted [=0]            Display status or disable trusted authority file
ssl use_trusted =1 [-cert <path>] [-chkname 1|0]] 
                                Enable trusted authority file usage, where:
                                -cert <path> - path to PEM-encoded trusted 
                                authority for the USB over Network Server;
                                -chkname 1|0 - enable or disable common name 
ssl use_cert [=0]                Display status or disable the Client's 
                                authentication certificate usage.
ssl use_cert [=1 [-cert <path>] [-key <path> ])]     
                                Display status or enable the Client's 
                                authentication certificate usage, where:
                                -cert <path> - path to the PEM-encoded 
                                authentication certificate for the Client;
                                -key <path> - path to the PEM-encoded private 
                                key file for the Client.
lickey [[-f] <key file path>]     
                                Display or apply the license key from a
                                specified file:
                                -f - force applying (even if the license key is 
licsrv [list]                   Display usage status of the License Server or 
                                display list of available License Servers.
licsrv set <host> [<port>] 
                                Use the License Server instead of local license:
                                host - License Server hostname or IP;
                                port - TCP port.
alias my -g | -s [<name>]       Display or set alias name of this computer.
alias other -g | { -s =1|=0 }   Display status, enable or disable displaying
                                alias names of another computers.
ping -t <value> -p <value>      Set ping options:
                                -t <value> - ping packet interval, seconds;
                                -p <value> - break connection interval, seconds.
export <path>                   Export the program configuration to a file.
import <path>                   Import the program configuration from a file.
log show                        Display the program log.
log level error|debug           Set the logging level to error or debug.
help|/?                         Show this help.

Command Line Usage Examples:

Add USB over Network Server:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Client)>usbclncmd add 33000
Host added successfully.

Get the list of servers:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Client)>usbclncmd list
srvID:1  - (available connections: 1 of 1)

---Discovered servers---
VM-XP - 
LAB-3 -

Get the list of remote shared USB devices:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Client)>usbclncmd.exe list -a
srvID:1  - (available connections: 1 of 1)
        devID:0 - Microsoft Microsoftо Fingerprint Reader (VID: 0x45e PID: 0xca, port: 257, serial: (null)) (shared)
        devID:1 - JetFlash Mass Storage Device (VID: 0x58f PID: 0x6387, port: 1027, serial: (null)) (shared)

---Discovered servers---
VM-XP - 
LAB-3 -

Connect specified remote shared USB device:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Client)>usbclncmd connect 1 1
Device is connected