Registry Settings and Group Policy Object (GPO) template

The registry and GPO settings described below assist in configuring and troubleshooting the product.

USB for Remote Desktop (Server) includes *.admx and *.adml administrative template files. These template files allow to configure the product via Local GPO and/or Domain-Based GPO. Please refer to Microsoft MSDN article on managing ADMX files.

GPO template

GPO Editor

The archive file containing administrative template can be found in the installation directory:

%ProgramFiles%\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop (Server)\

Additionally, the administrative template files are deployed to a local GPO during product installation and can be found here:


The GPO template can be used to configure the following settings:

Setting Description
LicensingLicensing management.

To apply the settings, you need to restart the FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop (Server) service.

It's recommended to use the GPO template files provided with the latest product version of USB for Remote Desktop Server.

Registry Settings

HKLM\Software\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop Server
Value name Type Range Default If none * Description
LogLevel REG_DWORD 0-3 0 0 USB for Remote Desktop (Server) logging level:
0 - Error
1 - Warning
2 - Info
3 - Debug.
HKLM\Software(\Wow6432Node)\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop Server
Value name Type Range Default If none * Description
CheckForNewVersion REG_DWORD 0,1 1 1 0 - Never check for new version.
1 - Check for new version every 15 days.
Value name Type Range Default If none * Description
IncludeProcesses REG_SZ app1.exe,app2.exe,app3.exe Not exists Load ftsmenu.dll into enumerated processes app1.exe,app2.exe,app3.exe
Should be set both:
HKLM\Software\FabulaTech\Netlink 3
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\FabulaTech\Netlink 3
Value name Type Range Default If none * Description
LogLevel REG_DWORD 0-3 1 1 NetLink logging level:
0 - Error.
1 - Warning.
2 - Info.
3 – Debug.