
API Control
FtVspcApiCloseCloses API and clears all data. You should call it once at the end of using the API.
FtVspcApiInitInitializes API. You should call it once at the beginning before using the API.
FtVspcApplyKeyApply a new license key. The previously applied key will be replaced with lpszLicenseKey.
Port Enumeration
FtVspcEnumPhysicalRefreshes information about physical serial ports (or third-party virtual serial ports) and returns their number.
FtVspcEnumVirtualRefreshes information about virtual serial ports and returns their number.
FtVspcGetPhysicalRetrieves the name of physical serial port by index.
FtVspcGetPhysicalNumRetrieves the number of physical serial port by index.
FtVspcGetVirtualRetrieves virtual serial port name by index.
FtVspcGetVirtualNumRetrieves virtual serial port number by index.
Creating and Removing Ports
FtVspcCreatePortCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name.
FtVspcCreatePortExCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
FtVspcCreatePortByNumCreates virtual serial port.
FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name over existing COM port.
FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedExCreates virtual serial port with non-standard name over existing COM port and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
FtVspcCreatePortOverlappedByNumCreates virtual serial port over existing COM port.
FtVspcCreateTwinPortCreates virtual serial port twin with non-standard name.
FtVspcCreateTwinPortExCreates virtual serial port twin with non-standard name and allows replacing the value of FriendlyName and CompanyName (indicated by the license key) with alternative values.
FtVspcCreateTwinPortByNumCreates virtual serial port twin.
FtVspcRemovePortRemoves a virtual serial port with non-standard name.
FtVspcRemovePortByNumRemoves a virtual serial port.
Attaching to the Port
FtVspcAttachAttaches to virtual serial port with non-standard name.
FtVspcAttachByNumAttaches to virtual COM port.
FtVspcDetachDetaches from virtual serial port.
Managing Port Properties
FtVspcGetPermanentRetrieves value of Permanent flag for virtual serial port with non-standard name.
FtVspcGetPermanentByNumRetrieves value of Permanent flag.
FtVspcGetPortTypeRetrieves value of virtual serial port type with non-standard name.
FtVspcGetPortTypeByNumRetrieves value of virtual serial port type.
FtVspcGetQueryOpenRetrieves value of QueryOpen flag for virtual serial port with non-standard name.
FtVspcGetQueryOpenByNumRetrieves value of QueryOpen flag.
FtVspcSetPermanentSets value of Permanent flag for virtual serial port with non-standard names.
FtVspcSetPermanentByNumSets value of Permanent flag.
FtVspcSetQueryOpenSets value of QueryOpen flag for virtual serial port with non-standard names.
FtVspcSetQueryOpenByNumSets value of QueryOpen flag.
Reading/Writing Data
FtVspcReadReads data from the port.
FtVspcWriteWrites data to the port.
Managing Serial Port Signals
FtVspcGetBitrateEmulationRetrieves the state of bitrate emulation flag.
FtVspcGetBreakRetrieves the state of Break error.
FtVspcGetCtsRetrieves the state of CTS signal.
FtVspcGetDcdRetrieves the state of DCD signal.
FtVspcGetDsrRetrieves the state of DSR signal.
FtVspcGetFramingRetrieves the state of Framing error.
FtVspcGetInQueueBytesRetrieves the number of bytes in buffer.
FtVspcGetOverrunRetrieves the state of Overrun error.
FtVspcGetParityRetrieves the state of Parity error.
FtVspcGetRingRetrieves the state of RING signal.
FtVspcSetBitrateEmulationSets the state of bitrate emulation flag.
FtVspcSetBreakSets the state of Break error.
FtVspcSetCtsSets the state of CTS signal.
FtVspcSetDcdSets the state of DCD signal.
FtVspcSetDsrSets the state of DSR signal.
FtVspcSetFramingSets the state of Framing error.
FtVspcSetOverrunSets the state of Overrun error.
FtVspcSetParitySets the state of Parity error.
FtVspcSetRingSets the state of RING signal.
FtVspcGetErrorMessageRetrieves the error code description.
FtVspcGetInfoRetrieves information about the program version and license type.
FtVspcGetLastErrorReturns last error code for the latest operation.