Brief problem description
Delta Cabinets is a cabinet making facility located in Perth, Western Australia.
We use design software which requires USB dongles plugged into our computers. If the dongles are not connected the software cannot be used. When plugged into the computers the dongles are vulnerable to damage or theft.
Because of concerns over the safety and security of these dongles we have been looking into ways of operating our software without the dongles being physically located on the computers in use.
Whilst discussing the problem with other cabinet makers "USB over Network" was mentioned. We looked into it further and after testing various solutions; "USB over Network" both met and exceeded our expectations. Among the software we tried, "USB over Network" from FabulaTech stood out as being clear and simple to use, comprehensive in its capabilities and competitively priced.

We had originally expected to locate the dongles in a safe place on our network and take them with us when visiting clients. "USB over Network" has gone one better and allows us to locate the dongles offsite and connect remotely via the internet from not just our factory but anywhere in the world.
RegardsUgo DeLaurentis and David Shepherd
Perth, Australia.