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   Author  Topic: No video in AWS  (Read 4411 times)
No video in AWS
on: Jul 10th, 2021, 8:00pm
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We've got about 50 Amazon Workspaces in which we want to use Webcams. We've installed the FabulaTech Webcam software on both our Workspaces as well as our Windows 10 PCs. While testing, we found that everything works perfectly while we are using our Workspaces from PCs outside our company location. However, when in the office, the video in AWS is black. If we connect to the Workspace from outside our company (in other words, we take over the existing Amazon Workspace session, without changing anything), the video works immediately. Clearly there is either some software on the Win10 PCs in the office, or something else in our company's network (switches, firewall, etc.) that is preventing the video from showing in our Workspaces. Any thoughts? Has anyone experiencing a similar issue?  Thanks in advance.
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #1 on: Jul 12th, 2021, 7:33am
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Thanks for the interest in our product.
I am glad to assist you.
Regarding the usage of the product in your office:
- launch Amcap app ( ) on your office (Windows 10) PC, select your physical web (Devices section) camera and click on Options - Preview;
- if you see the video stream then close Amcap app and launch PCoIP session to AWS;
- check the existence of your web camera in Webcam for Remote Desktop (server) GUI (on the remote side within PCoIP session):
and select your physical web camera from the list there if exists;
- launch Amcap app on the remote side, select FabulaTech WebCam in it, let me know the result.
P.S. What version of Webcam for Remote Desktop (workstation&server) do you use?
Do you use the same AWS instance in both cases?
What app (product name and version) do you use for web camera on AWS side?
Look at these workarounds if needed:
- Some apps from Microsoft Store can't access the FabulaTech WebCam
- The program doesn't work on Windows 10 or Server 2016/2019
Last Edit: Jul 12th, 2021, 7:33am by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: No video in AWS
Reply #2 on: Jul 12th, 2021, 2:50pm
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Thanks very much for your suggestions.  I'm not in the office today, but will report back to you tomorrow.
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #3 on: Jul 14th, 2021, 4:39am
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I tried your suggestions, thank you, but no joy.  A user brought his laptop into the office, and we tested using Wi-Fi, then Ethernet, and were successful in a Amazon Workspace with his WebCam video.  Not so on the local Win10 PCs in the office (there could be some conflicting software).  I'm resetting one of the Win10 PCs to Factory Default and will try tomorrow.
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #4 on: Jul 14th, 2021, 6:21am
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The head of Afinety's engineer department was able to figure it out.  It's an incompatibility with the latest Amazon Workspaces Client software (v4.0, which was released about 10 days ago, and for the first time, in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions).  Here's what he wrote to me via e-mail:
I have this [FabulaTech] working now on the user's PC.   I had to downgrade the Workspaces client.  The version that seems to work is 32 bit  When you install the latest 64 bit client 4.00.2217 Fabulatech breaks.   If you look in the Log files in the directory below you will find a very specific error.  The error indicates that the fabulatech add-in is failing to load (ftvchan.dll).  I highly doubt that fabulatech has not seen this.   I would imagine this is being caused by some type of incompatibility with the latest and greatest AWS workspaces client.  I would open a ticket with them again and give them this info.  You should push them very hard.   Using an older 32 bit Workspace client is not ideal but it does seem to fix this specific issue.   This looks like a code problem that needs to be worked out between Fabulatech and Amazon.  
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Amazon Web Services\Amazon WorkSpaces\logs\pcoip
2021-07-14T05:25:14.994Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\ftvchan.dll plugin ...(ftvchan)
2021-07-14T05:25:14.998Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:-500 MGMT_VCHAN :Failed to load C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\ftvchan.dll
2021-07-14T05:25:14.999Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:-500 MGMT_VCHAN :  Plugin failed to load because: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.  
2021-07-14T05:25:14.999Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\msvcp140.dll plugin ...(msvcp140)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.027Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:-500 MGMT_VCHAN CheesyLL has no init routine (C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\msvcp140.dll)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.027Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\msvcr120.dll plugin ...(msvcr120)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.057Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:-500 MGMT_VCHAN CheesyLL has no init routine (C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\msvcr120.dll)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.058Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\pcoip_vchan_clipboard.dll plugin ...(clipboard)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.152Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0    VCHAN_PLUGIN :tera_clpbd ==> Initializing...
2021-07-14T05:25:15.152Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :VChan plugin 'clipboard' (C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\pcoip_vchan_clipboard.dll) - version 20.10.0
2021-07-14T05:25:15.161Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\pcoip_vchan_remoteprintclient.dll plugin ...(remoteprintclient)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.286Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0    VCHAN_PLUGIN TonguerintVchan ==> 00009760|LPRBase::InitializePlugin()|LPR_base:53|      Plugin version:, Short Hash = e0b154b1a
2021-07-14T05:25:15.286Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loading C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\vcruntime140.dll plugin ...(vcruntime140)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.287Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0    VCHAN_PLUGIN TonguerintVchan ==> 00013820|IPTunnel::workerThreadProc()|IP_tunnel:350|   [WT]worker thread has started and it is me.
2021-07-14T05:25:15.287Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0    VCHAN_PLUGIN TonguerintVchan ==> 00013816|IPTunnel::vChanThreadProc()|IP_tunnel:331|    [VT]vChan send thread has started and it is me.
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:-500 MGMT_VCHAN CheesyLL has no init routine (C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\vcruntime140.dll)
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:1 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :Loaded Virtual Channel Plugins:
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :  --------------------------------------
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :  remoteprintclient: C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\pcoip_vchan_remoteprintclient.dll
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :  clipboard: C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\pcoip_vchan_clipboard.dll
2021-07-14T05:25:15.299Z c1925a0b-91b8-4630-94a6-4df250022e37 LVL:2 RC:   0 MGMT_VCHAN :  --------------------------------------
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #5 on: Jul 14th, 2021, 1:08pm
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Hi Bob,
Thanks for information provided.
This issue is critical for us and our customers.
I have created a task for our developers (#17549).
We'll collect and analyze the logs of AWS Client for working and non-working scheme and try to find a workaround/fix.
I'll keep you updated.
Thanks again.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No video in AWS
Reply #6 on: Jul 15th, 2021, 1:27pm
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Hi again,
I sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No video in AWS
Reply #7 on: Jul 15th, 2021, 1:37pm
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Thank you.  I will try your suggestions today.  I'm in the Pacific time zone, so it's still early here.  Much appreciated!
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #8 on: Jul 16th, 2021, 7:15am
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Hi Bob,
Thanks for your help on the way to improve our products.
There are two workarounds for this issue:
1) copy (on Webcam for Remote Desktop (workstation, 2.8.40 version) PC)
C:\Program Files\Common Files\FabulaTech\Netlink 3\ftvchan.dll file to any folder, rename to ftvchan64.dll and move to C:\Program Files\Amazon Web Services, Inc\Amazon WorkSpaces\vchan_plugins\ folder.
2) uninstall 4.0 x64 version of AWS client, reboot PC, download and install 3.x x32 version of AWS.
Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2021, 1:25pm by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: No video in AWS
Reply #9 on: Jul 30th, 2021, 3:38pm
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So the solution here is to revert to an earlier workspace client? This seems to happen periodically. We got the webcam server FROM the Amazon marketplace, so I have no control over the version on the server.
But if its the client, I assume there will be an update to the local workstation installer to fix this?
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Re: No video in AWS
Reply #10 on: Aug 3rd, 2021, 10:22am
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x64 Windows AWS Client uses a 64 bit libraries.
We'll add the support of the required libs for x64 AWS Client in the next release.
Look at this help manual as a temp workaround:
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Sergey Jarovski

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