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   Author  Topic: Installation on webcam for remote desktop  (Read 8425 times)
Installation on webcam for remote desktop
on: Jun 12th, 2012, 11:20pm
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Hi, I just downloaded your free trial workstation on my laptop and installed it. after that I cannot find your software icon on the tray/desktop/start menu.  
I did find a fold on C:\Program Files\WebCam for Remote Desktop (Workstation), that is my default installation folder, but I cannot see any exe file in this folder, so I want to know how can i start with your softwareHuh
I have win 7 OS
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Re: Installation on webcam for remote desktop
Reply #1 on: Jun 13th, 2012, 1:31am
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As you know our software consist of two parts - Workstation and Server. Workstation part doesn`t have a graphic shell also it starts automatically every time you turn on your computer. To make sure that it is running you can check two services on your computer - "FabulaTech WebCam Service" and "FabulaTech NetLink Supervisor Service".
Server part has a GUI. You will see it in the tray menu. If in Remote Desktop Session it is colored it means connection between server and workstation part is established.
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Re: Installation on webcam for remote desktop
Reply #2 on: Jun 13th, 2012, 11:29pm
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ok I figure out how to run it, thank you! One more thing, Does your software support TeamViewer remote session?
Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2012, 11:40pm by mumu IP Logged
Re: Installation on webcam for remote desktop
Reply #3 on: Jun 14th, 2012, 1:58am
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Yes, sometimes we use TeamViewer for remote assistance. Do you wish to arrange a remote session?
Last Edit: Jun 14th, 2012, 1:58am by Serge Frost IP Logged
Re: Installation on webcam for remote desktop
Reply #4 on: Jun 14th, 2012, 9:15pm
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Sorry for your misunderstanding, what I mean is if your "web for remote desktop" kit working on Teamviewer or Logmein remote access software? My icon on the tray is gray, when I was using TeamViewer or Logmein to setup your "web for remote desktop" kit...
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Re: Installation on webcam for remote desktop
Reply #5 on: Jun 15th, 2012, 4:02am
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Please take my apologies. I was to inattentive.  
We have never tested our software with LogMeIn but with TeamViewer it works. Not perfect, but works.
Grey Icon in tray means that there is no connection between Server and Workstation parts of our software. If you click on it with right mouse button you won`t see the list of your physical webcams connected
1. At first try to restart the remote session / reboot the computer; You can check our software with simple applications. For example Microsoft AmCap or Skype.
2.  If problem persists check the services. All the services that start with "FabulaTech ---- " should be running on both sides.
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