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   Author  Topic: Issues with non integrated WebCam  (Read 5665 times)
Issues with non integrated WebCam
on: Oct 24th, 2011, 2:13pm
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There is an issue when someone connects to an RDP session and switches the WebCam to a Non Integrated WebCam then Disconnects the session and then someone else connects to that computer.  
If someone changes the webcam and then another person connects to that session later they will get an error trying to use their WebCam.
It would be nice that if the WebCam connection is set to specific WebCam and it fails for the program to then switch to automatically switch to AutoSelect and attempt to connect to the webcam again.
If I am not clear on the issue I am stating please let me know.
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Re: Issues with non integrated WebCam
Reply #1 on: Oct 27th, 2011, 9:05am
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Dear rsmith,
If user selects a specific webcam then he\she realizes that he is going to work only with this webcam. If you are going to use different webcams in different sessions that you should leave Auto-Select mode enabled so each time you connect an available webcam will be selected automatically.
If I get you wrong please describe the issue in detail step-by step so we can reproduce it in out test lab.
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Re: Issues with non integrated WebCam
Reply #2 on: Oct 27th, 2011, 9:12am
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A scenario where there is an issue is where a user connects to a session with a laptop in a docking station and they have a integrated webcam but because they are using the laptop with external displays and the laptop lid is closed they also have a additional USB Webcam.
When they connect to the remote session the AutoSelect picks the integrated WebCam.  In order to use the USB WebCam they then have to explicitly select that WebCam.  
If they disconnect from that session and then later connect to it with their Laptop not in the docking session and without the USB WebCam connected the program will fail because that WebCam is not longer connected.
It would be nice if the software fails to connect to the explicitly selected WebCam that it would then fallback to the AutoSelect mode and use the Integrated WebCam or any available WebCam.
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