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   Author  Topic: Connection over WAN  (Read 5940 times)
Connection over WAN
on: Oct 24th, 2011, 2:10pm
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Are there any settings or tweaks to the WebCam for RDP software or to the RDP session that would optimize having 10 RDP sessions accessing Remote WebCams over the same internet connection at the same time?
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Re: Connection over WAN
Reply #1 on: Oct 27th, 2011, 8:46am
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Dear rsmith,
Unfortunately there are no any special tweaks "that would optimize having 10 RDP sessions accessing Remote WebCams over the same INTERNET connection at the same time"
10 webcams at the same time are possible if you have a proper license.
Here are the options you can tweak in registry of Workstation PC.
1) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\WebCam for Remote Desktop" (for 32bit OS)
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FabulaTech\WebCam for Remote Desktop" (for 64bit OS)  
Parameter name "CompressionQuality" (dafault value 6 ).  
It can be changed from 1 to 10 (10 is the best quality of the picture, but more traffic is used,  1 - the best compression of the picture and the less traffic is used)
2)Parameter name "JPGbyDefault". (Default value 1)
1 - enabled
0 - disbled
If value 1 is set then "CompressionQuality" is ignored and webcams default compression is used.
To apply settings you need to stop RDP session and restart FabulaTech WebCam Service.
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Re: Connection over WAN
Reply #2 on: Oct 27th, 2011, 9:15am
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Thank you for your response.  Changing these setting do help with bandwidth utilization but it still seems that there is a small limit to the amount of remote sessions that can be run over the same Internet connection.
Do you have any information on how much bandwidth is required per session for the different compression settings?  
I appreciate all the help you guys have provided to me so far!
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