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   Author  Topic: Not working on Yakumo Omikron ?  (Read 5540 times)
Not working on Yakumo Omikron ?
on: May 24th, 2006, 12:10am
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I got the trial of Virtual Serial Port Kit CE 4.7.2 but don't get it to work on a Yakumo Omikron.
It has Windows Mobile 2003 installed, and I plan to use a small tracking tool, that receives GPS-information via SMS, and hand the info out to a map software via a virtual COM port.  
So I created the new pair of COM2 --> VCP1 (COM2 is free and available). I switched it on, left vspk open (in another test I closed the program).
The tracking tool gets the message, the map software works fine, but the info won't go to COM2.
The same setup works perfectly on a T-Mobile MDA1 (also WM 2003) though.
Can you please help?
Thank you and
regards from Berlin, Germany
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Re: Not working on Yakumo Omikron ?
Reply #1 on: May 24th, 2006, 3:22am
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At first you need to define where is a problem. You can try to install the Serial and Telnet Communications Software in your Yakumo Omikron device. Look at here for example:
Can you connect two copies of Serial Communication Software via virtual null modem pair created by our Virtual Serial Port Kit CE product and are you able to send/receive data via the such setup?
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Andrew Scott

Re: Not working on Yakumo Omikron ?
Reply #2 on: Jan 24th, 2018, 9:39am
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Glad to find information for connect two copies of Serial Communication Software via virtual null modem. Thanks.  
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