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   Author  Topic: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem  (Read 12254 times)
Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
on: Mar 1st, 2011, 7:14pm
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I am currently attempting to get SBS 2008's fax service working in a Hyper-V environment. I've seen were others say that it can be done with the Virtual Serial Port Kit. However I have yet to get it to work correctly. I currently have the Hyper-V SBS2008 talking to the hosted modem but it won't answer. Has anyone been able to do this successfully?
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #1 on: Mar 2nd, 2011, 8:40am
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Virtual Serial port Kit won't work in this scenario. Network Serial Port Kit should work. You can download the trial version here:
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Mike Storm

Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #2 on: Mar 2nd, 2011, 1:31pm
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Sorry I already have the Network Serial Port Kit not the virtual one. How do I get the virtualized server to make the modem answer the incoming fax?
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #3 on: Mar 3rd, 2011, 1:25am
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You have to install Network Serial Port Kit on PC where your modem is physically attached and on your virtualized server. On PC where your modem is physically attached you have to share the COM port where modem is connected. On virualized server connect to the shared COM port. To do this you have to add connection using the IP address of the PC where modem is physically attached in Network Serial Port Kit. A new Virtual COM will appear on your virtualized server. Set up your faxing software to use this COM port.
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #4 on: Mar 3rd, 2011, 7:21am
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The process you described is exactly what I have done. There is a green connection on both the Shared and connected pieces. However the modem still won't answer when a fax is calling in.
Realize that the fax server is on the virtualized machine, not on the machine where the modem is physically located. I noticed a fax modem compatibility check box, which I have checked, within the Network Serial Port Kit software. But I don't see any explaination for the use of this box in any documentation. Do I have to hard set the baud rate and other connection settings within the software?
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #5 on: Mar 8th, 2011, 1:11pm
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I have got a similar problem on SBS 2011, I can see the host's modem in hyperterminal from SBS 2011 but the fax wizard installer don't see it and stop imediatly.
On your SBS 2008, have you use the SBS fax wizard to configure the fax service ?
(On a hard SBS 2008, if you have problem with fax service, try to re-run the fax wizard)
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #6 on: Mar 8th, 2011, 1:20pm
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I had to do a manual install of the modem within the Device Manager on the SBS2008 machine. The fax wizard picks it up from there and I don't have a problem seeing the modem. I'm able to query it correctly from within Device Manager. But no matter what I do I can not get it to pick up when a fax comes in so it just rings and rings.
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #7 on: Mar 9th, 2011, 2:29am
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Dear jkisner,
We have managed to reproduce this issue in our test lab. Our developers are doing their best to fix it. This issue will be resolved in the next release of Network Serial Port Kit.
Be sure we'll do our best to resolve this issue asap.
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Re: Connecting SBS 2008 to Hyper-V Host Modem
Reply #8 on: Mar 9th, 2011, 2:53pm
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Excellent. Thank you very much. I thought it was just something I wasn't doing correctly. I'm glad to hear you were able to reproduce the issue. I will be waiting with great excitement for your next release.
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