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Command line modem reset?
on: Oct 24th, 2009, 11:53am |
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Hello, I am using Virtual Modem version 1.7.3 to connect PC's in my retail locations with the corporate polling server. This allows me to stop using POTS lines into each store and complete nightly polling using existing broadband connections. So far everything works, but sometimes the v-modem on the corporate side stops functioning and my polling fails to complete. I have 39 stores to poll, so the re-work to reset things on the corporate server side and re-poll can be very time consuming. Is there any way I can log modem activity from the virtual modem software to understand why the modem stops functioning, or can I reset/restart the v-modem using the command line? If I can reset the modem with a command line call, I can incorporate that into the batch files that run nightly to poll the stores. Thanks, Scott Stanforth GZK, Inc.