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   Author  Topic: RING plus IP:PORT information  (Read 5823 times)
RING plus IP:PORT information
on: Mar 13th, 2008, 7:01am
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Hi Andrew,
I'm evaluating your Virtual Modem software. Is it possible to have a RING string with the IP address and source PORT of the Caller? In this case it would be possible to decide if answer(executing ATA) or hang up(executing ATH0).
Thank you
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Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #1 on: Mar 14th, 2008, 12:42am
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Hi Gigi,
Thanks for the idea.
We'll add this feature in the next version. So, it will be possible to configure modem to indicate remote IP address (not sure about TCP-port because it's different each time).
Currently it's possible to achieve this functionality using firewall software.
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Andrew Scott

Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #2 on: Mar 14th, 2008, 7:58am
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Hi Andrew,
first of all I want to thank you for your quick answer. In our application we'd like to know also TCP-port because we use devices that never change the source port; in this case it is possible to exactly identify the calling device through the combination of TCP address and port. In some situations we could also have that IP address is the same so only if we know the port we can identify the device (it's the case of different devices situated inside a LAN connected to the internet with one only pubblic IP). So the best thing it'd be if you could read these informations directly from the incoming packets and if you give us in the RING string.
Thank you in advance
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Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #3 on: Mar 17th, 2008, 12:54am
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Hi Gigi,
So, if I understand correctly you would like to initiates "network calls" using your devices/software (but not virtual modem). Virtual modem will be used on server side only (side that accepts incoming connections). Is it so?
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Andrew Scott

Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #4 on: Mar 17th, 2008, 1:53am
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Hi Andrew,
good morning! Yes you're perfectly right! We'd like to use virtual modem as a server because in this way we could connect to our devices on the field without needing static IP addresses. Do you think it's possible to have this feature?
Thanks a lot
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Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #5 on: Mar 17th, 2008, 2:36am
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Yes, that's quite possible.
The only thing:
Currently Virtual Modem sends 'status byte' to caller side as soon as incoming connection is received.
- OK
- Busy
If your device is not able to skip this byte, we'll ask you to wait a bit because we are going to add "raw mode" feature. In this mode "Virtual Modem" will not send 'status byte' to the caller side.
What do you think about it?
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Andrew Scott

Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #6 on: Mar 17th, 2008, 10:02am
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Hi Andrew,
I think this it's not a big problem for us. Of course if you like to emulate a true virtual modem you also must to send answer from the server side only after an ATA command. On the other side I'm not sure that all the devices from the caller side are able to emulate real modems (it could also happen that if the server doesn't answer quickly they immediately disconnect). In effect with one of these devices (the LANTRONIX UDS1100) if you try to connect to a dummy IP you'll receive the NO CARRIER after 5 seconds and it's not possible to extend this disconnection time. So my doubt is that if you don't send the 'status byte' sometimes could happen that it'll be impossible to connect. In our application from the caller side we don't have problem if we receive a CONNECT string before a real connection is established or if we immediately after receive a NO CARRIER string.
PS: We're evaluating your 1.8 Beta trial version and it's important for us to have the "pool" feature (in this version we can use two modems in pool but I suppose it's only a trial limitation...)
Thank you
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Re: RING plus IP:PORT information
Reply #7 on: Mar 18th, 2008, 1:36am
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OK, now let's discuss all technical details by email.
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Andrew Scott

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