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   Author  Topic: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop  (Read 4008 times)
USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
on: Nov 12th, 2022, 7:57pm
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Hello Fabula Tech support,
We are looking for a solution that will allow USB "session isolated" redirection for our HID Scale devices which are connected locally within our warehouse and used for shipping.  We are migrating our ERP & Shipping Software infrastructure into Azure.  Our "local" warehouse workstations running Windows 10 will access our ERP & Shipping software applications via Azure Virtual desktop (Windows 10 Enterprise - Multi User) via Remote applications.  Does your Remote Desktop (Client & Server) solution support this architecture?  If so, I am interested in how we may be able to obtain a demo/trial version that is longer than 15 days and will allow us to test more than 2 devices so we can fully evaluate your solution.  
Thanks in advance,
Chris Richards
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Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #1 on: Nov 14th, 2022, 7:53am
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Hi Chris,
Thanks for the interest in our product.
I would advise you to test USB for Remote Desktop for your purpose.
If you can virtualize your usb scale as serial port, you can redirect it with help of Serial Port for Remote Desktop.
Please contact our Sales Department ( regarding the extended trial.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #2 on: Nov 15th, 2022, 11:49pm
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Hi Sergei,
We tested the USB Redirector with a license Julia provided.  The demo/test license provided us with 3 Sessions and 2 Servers. As I mentioned in my previous post, we are using Azure Virtual Desktop (Server/Host).  Our client machines are running 2 applications that are presented as "Remote applications".  Our initial tests with a single AVD Host within our Host Pool and 3 devices are looking promising.  We have a total of 13 user licenses for our shipping software.  The Shipping software we are utilizing is the driving force behind our USB redirection requirement.  With that being said, we are now looking at what our licensing options are, as well as, how this may fit in with an Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool that contains 2 Session hosts (Load Balancing & Redundancy).  I see there is a Site License option but this requires a License server.  Can you provide details as to where the licensing server component(s) would need to reside in our topology?  If you are available for a call or if there is someone else who can reach out to me directly that would be very helpful.
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Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #3 on: Nov 16th, 2022, 8:15am
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Hi again,
License Server hosts the licenses (per-user and Site) of our products:
If you are using a License Server, you must configure USB for Remote Desktop (server) to connect to it.
You can find the help manual here:
In most cases, the Site Key is useful if you only want to count the total number of remote sessions for all servers (Site license), but not the number of servers and sessions (per-user license).
Please discuss the required license with Julia.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #4 on: Nov 16th, 2022, 1:48pm
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Hi Sergey,
Thanks for the quick response.  Can you tell us in a Multi Host "Azure Virtual Desktop" scenario what will happen in the following scenario?  Client establishes initial connection to AVD-Server/Host A and redirects their USB device.  We have already tested that the client does not need to re-establish the redirection on client reboot, server reboot, or subsequent connections to the AVD host.  What we haven't been able to test yet, is the following:  If the client later establishes a connection, but this connection is with AVD-Server/Host B (Multi Host environment).  Will the client machine need to re-establish the sharing of the USB device (disconnect & reconnect due the AVD host change) or does the USB Redirector software re-establish the redirection with the AVD-Server/Host B under a new session.  We can test this later this week, but if this is something you can answer for us in advance, that will help us understand our options.  We are trying to determine whether or not we want a "Single AVD Host" or "Multiple/Load Balancing".  Of course, this decision impacts the licensing we will need to procure.
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Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #5 on: Nov 16th, 2022, 3:43pm
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1) All available usb devices will be displayed in the USB for Remote Desktop (Server) GUI within each remote session from the same USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation) PC.
2) If you redirect (connect in the server GUI) a specific usb device within remote session#1 then you'll find it as gray out within remote session#2. I mean there is no way to redirect (connect in the server GUI) and use the same usb device within more than one remote session at the same time.
3) If you do not reconnect the USB device to a different USB port, USB for Remote Desktop (Server) will remember (for the same user) the previous status of that device in the USB for Remote Desktop (Server) GUI.
4) To release the sublicense (session license) you must log out of the remote session.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #6 on: Jan 24th, 2023, 4:29pm
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Hello Sergey,
We are now live with FabulaTech USB Redirection and experiencing a Production issue.  We purchased the License Server, but are not seeing sessions released once we log out of the AVD Host.  We have 2 AVD Hosts configured with a 13 Session license.  We have a total of 10 workstations that could at one point or another establish a connection to either of the AVD Hosts.  
We are currently unable to share the USB Scale device on multiple workstations.  When we click "Usage Details" on the FabulaTech License server we see gibberish..
Can you please advise as to what we can do to rectify our current Production issue?
We need to get our shipping workstations up and working ASAP.
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Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #7 on: Jan 24th, 2023, 4:46pm
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Hi Chris,
I have sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #8 on: Jan 24th, 2023, 5:23pm
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Hi Sergey,
I replied to your email with some details and screen shots.  Can you let me know if you received them and are still able to assist us with our issue today?
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Re: USB Redirection with Azure Virtual Desktop
Reply #9 on: Jan 24th, 2023, 5:50pm
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Hi Sergey,
We have sent you a few more emails.  Please let us know ASAP if you have any suggestions and/or recommendations as we are not able to ship anything at the moment.
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