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   Author  Topic: Smartcard problem with latest (6.0.8) version  (Read 3899 times)
Smartcard problem with latest (6.0.8) version
on: Jun 22nd, 2022, 7:14pm
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We're working with Igel devices (11.05.133) and we had the bug of cpu usage with 6.0.7 version : we recently updated to 6.0.8 version. Since then, our smartcard reader doesn't work anymore.
After many tests, it appears that only this model of smartcard reader (APG8201) isn't working with 6.0.8 version. Other models (Broadcom 58200 on my linux laptop) is working fine. If I downgrade the server version to 6.0.7, everything is working fine with same client and server (except cpu bug).
USB for Remote Desktop is seeing the device (in client and server), Windows is seeing the device (and is working properly according to device manager), but no application is able to detect the smartcard reader.
I already tried the latest version of Igel OS (11.07.100) and same tests on my Debian laptop without success.
Can you help me getting the smartcard reader APG8201 working with latest version?
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Re: Smartcard problem with latest (6.0.8) version
Reply #1 on: Jun 22nd, 2022, 7:20pm
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I can see this message repeatidily on server log as soon as I plug smartcard reader :  
[ERROR]:  ConvertUrbToNetwork: Wrong configuration index received (0).
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