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   Author  Topic: No Connection to Workstation Module  (Read 4708 times)
No Connection to Workstation Module
on: Jan 25th, 2022, 6:43pm
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Hello - new to fabulatech - looking to build a poc for upper management for AVD, iGel and Fabulatech.  On one laptop, it sees the webcam as integrated, but when I open the camera app on AVD (Windows 10 for Enterprise), it says no camera detected.
On entirely different hardware, I get no connection to workstation module.
All I have installed on the test vm is the usb for remote desktop software and configured as required via igel.
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Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #1 on: Jan 26th, 2022, 6:40am
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Thanks for the interest in our product.
The best solution for web camera redirection is Webcam for Remote Desktop.
Also you can use USB for Remote Desktop product for this purpose (but in this case we don't use a data compression).
You are welcome to test both solutions.
Please look at our partner page for more help:
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #2 on: Apr 4th, 2022, 5:11pm
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Hi Sergey - I finally got a good proof of concept ready to go.  
We are running the latest igel 11.07.100 on a dell optiplex 3000 thin client.  
For some reason I am still getting no connection to workstation module.  It only happens on this thin client.  On my other test thin client (different model) it is fine.
Any ideas?
Last Edit: Apr 4th, 2022, 5:12pm by cdap44 IP Logged
Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #3 on: Apr 7th, 2022, 12:18pm
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As I understand you are talking about USB for Remote Desktop product.
Do the following steps:
1) look at our partner page again (AVD section) and recheck the configuration for AVD session:
You must activate the launching of the daemon and loading of the plugin here:
Configuration > Sessions > AVD > AVD Global > Plugins > Fabulatech
Configuration > Sessions > AVD > AVD Sessions > [AVD_session_profile_name] > Plugins
2) launch terminal on TC, execute <ps aux | grep ftusbrdpd> command and check the existence of ftusbrdpd daemon in the output;
3) check the existence of in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freerdp/ folder.
Let me know the result.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #4 on: Apr 7th, 2022, 1:05pm
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We are having same issue for both USB and the Webcam redirection software.
1.  I have confirmed all of this on the iGEL thin client side.
2. I have confirmed that this daemon is running
3. I have confirmed that this file is in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freerdp/
Last Edit: Apr 7th, 2022, 1:05pm by cdap44 IP Logged
Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #5 on: Apr 7th, 2022, 1:30pm
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Hi again,
1) Do you use 6.0.8 version of USB for Remote Desktop (server)?
2) Make the screenshots of the following settings on Igel TC:
Configuration > Sessions > AVD > AVD Global > Plugins > Fabulatech
Configuration > Sessions > AVD > AVD Sessions > [AVD_session_profile_name] > Plugins
and send them to me (
3) Launch AVD session and make the screenshot of USB for Remote Desktop (server) GUI. Send it to me.
4) Do you use a direct (host to host) AVD session (not the nested session)?
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #6 on: Apr 7th, 2022, 1:38pm
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1.  Yes - we are using latest version of both USB for remote desktop and webcam for remote desktop.  6.0.8 for USB for remote desktop and Webcam for Remote Desktop 2.8.42
2.  Will make screenshots now and send to that email address
3.  Will make this screenshot also and send to that email address
4.  Not sure the answer to this.  Its iGel installed on a thin client that boots the the avd client. So I'd say host to host.  
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Re: No Connection to Workstation Module
Reply #7 on: Apr 11th, 2022, 4:52pm
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Sergey - I now have an entirely different model - dell wyze 5070.  
Still same issue with fabulatech.
Do you have time to get on a call for this?  I need to deliver a proof of concept that this all works to upper management,
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