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   Author  Topic: silent install USB for Remote Desktop Workstation  (Read 4003 times)
silent install USB for Remote Desktop Workstation
on: Sep 7th, 2021, 9:26am
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Hello togehter,
I would install Remote Desktop Client on our clients to push it with WPKG.
We distribute some software and drivers with it. But we get an error with your software:
MSI (s) (58:BC) [09:56:49:113]: Product: USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation) 6.0.7 -- Error 1314. Dem Client fehlt ein erforderliches Recht.
means: The client need a required right
This is our install command:
set INSTALL_PFAD=%~dp0
set INSTALL_MSI=%SystemRoot%\system32\msiexec.exe
set INSTALL_BEFEHL=%INSTALL_MSI% /norestart /qn /L* %INSTALL_LOGFILE% /i %INSTALL_PFAD%\usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation-64bit.msi CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION=0 OPEN_URL=0 ADDLOCAL=ALL
The install command is running as SYSTEM user.
Any idea whats going wrong?
Thank you.
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Re: silent install USB for Remote Desktop Workstat
Reply #1 on: Sep 8th, 2021, 8:25am
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Hello Michael.  
Could you run the install command as Administrator, not as SYSTEM?  
This error is typically encountered when the service has been configured to log on as a specific account rather than the SYSTEM account.
Also you can give the SYSTEM account more rights. Please check this article:
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