FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 5
silent installation of "USB for Remote Deskto
on: Apr 13th, 2021, 7:14am |
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Hello Support Team, we would like to deploy USB for Remote Desktop (SERVER)" in a silent install package via script on our company clients. We are using this command line %Comspec% /c msiexec /i "usb-for-remote-desktop-server-64bit.msi" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL LICENSE_SERVER_PATH="mylicserver001" CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION=0 OPEN_URL=0 We run into 2 problems: 1) installation even if with msiexec /qn a message window is shown with a question if i will trust the USB driver, after clicking yes the installation continues 2) immediate reboot of the pc. Wenn the msi installation is finished there is an immediate reboot How can we do a silent installation without immediate reboot?