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Posts: 2
RDP Session Host - License question
on: Dec 1st, 2020, 5:47pm |
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Dear FabulaTech Team I have a small question: We have a customer with 1 rdp session host. On that server are multiple users logged in. Just an example: 1 rdp session host server 10 users logged in during the workday (IGEL Thin Client) But just one or two users need a usb redirection for a smart card reader. What is the correct license to buy? When i look at the website/shop, and i understand it correctly, it is way to expensiv if we have to pay for 10 user sessions, when we need just 1 or 2 smart card readers to be redirected for the 1 or 2 users that need this smart card reader. All other users dont need any kind of usb-redirection. Thank you very much for your help. Kind regards Christian