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Redirect off after on
on: Feb 20th, 2020, 5:13pm |
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Hello. When i click in redirect device in my Workstation, it connect but then disconnect. The serial COM port show in my server but on the device status shows: Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer. (Code 45) To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer. LOG of my USB for remote desktop Workstation: 2020.02.20 09:15:08.333 (-04:00) [3056] [3060] [SERVICE]: Build Nov 22 2019. Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit 2020.02.20 12:08:47.862 [3056] [3456] [ERROR]: CNetworkEngine::OnSessionOpened(): Listen failure, gle: 170 2020.02.20 12:08:53.264 [2252] [3372] [Service]: Start service. Version program 60000. Version protocol 50101. 2020.02.20 12:08:53.292 [2252] [7340] [ERROR]: Load alias settings from registry failed 2020.02.20 12:27:42.977 [2252] [3372] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::~CPlugUnplugManager(): Stop() method was not called before delete object.2020.02.20 12:28:30.980 [3028] [3032] [Service]: Start service. Version program 60000. Version protocol 50101. 2020.02.20 12:28:31.183 [3028] [3220] [ERROR]: Load alias settings from registry failed Could someone help me?