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   Author  Topic: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH  (Read 13201 times)
IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
on: Feb 5th, 2020, 9:53pm
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We're deploying a Doctors office and in some cases they have a WebCam (for taking patient pictures) and a Scanner (for scanning ID cards etc).  We are using Igel Workspace 11 (11.03.110) UDC (Dell Optiplex 7010) machines.
Per Igel release note, 11.03.110 runs USB over Remote Desktop 5.2.29 (workstation).  So we've deployed the  USB over Remote Desktop  5.2.3 on the Igel/Fabulatech Partner site here:
We have device redirection working, and I can confirm their HID signature pads work with USB over RDP  
My question is regarding the Web Cams and Scanners:
- The scanners are EcoScan i6d, they show up and I can run a calibrate however it takes well over a minute to scan an ID, this is not normal speed, it should be very fast, like <10 seconds.
- WebCams - Logitech C615 - I can use the test function in Igel and see the camera working.  The camera passes through either with Native USB or Fabulatech and no imaging works.  Its possible Im doing something wrong?
Web cams are cheap, im happy to buy something that is known to work if thats an option.  The scanners are less flexible as there are not a lot of options on the market for duplex ID scanners.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this, changed needing to be made to the Igel configuration side I'm happy to do.  I'm also happy to test 6.x USB over RDP if that is something recommended.
Last Edit: Feb 5th, 2020, 9:53pm by groupone IP Logged
Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #1 on: Feb 5th, 2020, 9:57pm
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I also wanted to note that I was looking at Fabulatech Device Redirector software, does this work with Igel Workspace 11.x as I noted above?
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #2 on: Feb 10th, 2020, 11:53am
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Regarding Device Redirector.
Device Redirector is just a pack of our products.  
Regarding USB for Remote Desktop and Igel TC.
USB for Remote Desktop isn't a best solution for scanner and web camera redirection.
There is no data compression there.
1) Scan speed. This question is related to the network latency between the workstation and server sides;
2) Web camera. What do you mean by "no imaging works"? Use Amcap as test app on the remote side within RD session.
As you know you have a Scanner for Remote Desktop product on igel TC (11.03.110 FW). With help of this solution you can redirect any TWAIN (SANE) compatible scanner from the local to the remote side within RDP/ICA/PCoIP session. But I don't see your scanner in the list:
In this case the only solution for you is USB for Remote Desktop.
You can find a solution how to embed Webcam for Remote Desktop (Linux workstation) into Igel TC below:
1) install Webcam for Remote Desktop (server) part on Windows PC:
2) reboot Windows PC;
3) plug your web camera into Igel TC;
4) create Custom Partition on Igel TC: Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Partition - Partition (size 20M, Mount Point /opt/ftwebcam) - Ok, reboot Igel TC;
5) download Webcam for Remote Desktop (Linux workstation): and unzip the content of this archive (/sbin and /share folders) into /opt/ftwebcam/ folder on Igel TC;
6) add the following string (/opt/ftwebcam/sbin/ftwebcamd -d) here:
Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Desktop - Final desktop command
7) reboot Igel TC and check the existence of ftwebcamd daemon: ps aux | grep ftwebcamd
Cool if you can see it in the output then create the profile and launch RD session.
That's all.
One clarification. There is no need to do 4)-7) steps each time after TC reboot.  
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #3 on: Feb 10th, 2020, 7:53pm
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Thank you for the response, I will try these things out today.  Regrading the scanner, I did some further research and it appears to be a rebrand of a DocketPORT 687.  The DocketPORT 68(5) unit shows support so I will fire up a test RDS Server with the Scan over RDP and see if it works.
Also, on the IGEL in the firmware section there is a Scanner support / SANE feature, is this required to be turned on for your Scan over RDP to work with IGEL?  Its not on by default.
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #4 on: Feb 11th, 2020, 2:12am
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WebCam Update:
I was able to determine your WebCam over RDP does not work in Windows 2019 Server.  Looking at the version information, 2019 Server is not listed.  I performed the following work steps:
- Built Windows 2019 Server RDSSH
-- installed drivers and followed your guide for the IGEL setup (in your original comment)
--- could never get video to show up, shows gray in Zoom, access denied in AMCap
- Built Windows 2016 Server RDSSH
-- installed drivers and followed your guide for the IGEL setup (in your original comment)
--- Video works flawlessly in Zoom, AMcap gives error so discontinuing AMcap
Its worth noting I was never able to get AMcap to work in either 2016 or 2019 so I used Zoom Webinar software for my testing.  I tested 5 different model WebCams from Microsoft and Logitech and this made no difference for Windows 2019.
So with that said, can your team provide an update as to when 2019 supported Webcam over RDP will be available?  I'd be willing to do beta testing too if its available in beta.
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #5 on: Feb 11th, 2020, 9:18am
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1) Scanner for Remote Desktop.
Yes, you must activate this feature (FabulaTech Scanner redirection) and sane support in the Setup section on Igel TC.
Win2k19 (in some sense) is the same Win2k16/Win10 OS.
2) Webcam for Remote Desktop.
Look at these solutions and manual:
- Some apps from Microsoft Store can't access the FabulaTech WebCam
- The program doesn't work on Windows 10 or Server 2016.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #6 on: Feb 11th, 2020, 6:17pm
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For the WebCam to work properly in Windows 2019 RDSSH the following is required:
1) Fabulatech WebCam over Remote Desktop Software (latest)
2) Modify Privacy Settings:
-- To allow access, go to Start menu, click Settings > Privacy.
-- Then click on Camera tab and turn on Let apps use my camera or Allow apps to access your camera  
3) Add Registry Keys
-- create a REG_DWORD values named EnableFrameServerMode with the value 0 in the following registry locations:
-- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\Platform
-- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\Platform
Very happy this is working, thank you for sticking with me.  I will work on the Scanners over the next few days and report back.
IP Logged
Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #7 on: Feb 12th, 2020, 1:06am
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Scanner Feedback
- Installed latest Scanner for Remote Desktop on Server 2019
-- rebooted
- Enabled SANE support in Features on IGEL
-- rebooted
- Enabled Scanner over RDP checkbox in IGEl
-- double checked in the IGEL registry this is checked also
--- double checked the feature is checked also
- Connected a SnapScan ix500 (has Win10 drivers)
-- device shows in Fabulatech (in the tray icon)
-- shows on SANE website
-- device drivers install and shows under Imaging
- Cannot get the Scanner software to detect the Scanner
- Cannot get Ifranview (without plugins 64-bit) to Aquire via Twain
-- tried Fabulatech "user vendor defined names for TWAIN scanners"
--- perhaps this isnt a TWAIN compliant scanner?
---- Tried MSPAINT, doesnt acquire there either
- Reviewed Scan properties
-- found this by typing "scan" in a search and opening Scan/Print properties
-- clicked manage on the IX500 scanner
-- shows status "unavailable"
- Tried downloading the Linux driver
-- extracted to /opt/ftscan (didnt create a custom partition)
-- executed /opt/ftscan/sbin/ftscand by typing ./ftscand (says it went into the background
-- see it running via ps aux |grep ftscand
- Scanner maps into Windows just as it did prior to this no change by using latest drivers
-- i disabled the IGEL drivers for Fabulatech in features and remote checkbox as well before this and rebooted
- I've looked at the troubleshooting site and FAQ
Not sure what else I can do except chalk it up to this IX500 scanner isnt cable of working in Win 2019, via Scan over RDP and IGEl?
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #8 on: Feb 12th, 2020, 11:29am
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"ScanSnap specific driver
· Windows®: Does not support TWAIN/ISIS®"
2) "Tried MSPAINT, doesnt acquire there either"
There is no concept of WIA on Linux OS. I mean you can redirect only TWAIN (SANE)-compatible scanner with help of Scanner for Remote Desktop product (Linux - Windows scheme).
The only solution to redirect your non-SANE-compatible scanner is USB for Remote Desktop. Yes, in this case there is no data compression.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #9 on: Aug 30th, 2020, 6:08pm
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Hi all,
Two additional steps to deploy Webcam for RD (workstation) on Igel TC:
1) enable "FabulaTech USB redirection" feature on Igel TC here:
Setup - Configuration - System - Firmware Customization - Features
2) prevent usb device sharing by USB for Remote Desktop product:
Setup - Configuration - Sessions - RDP/ICA/Horizon Client - RDP/ICA/Horizon Client Global - FabulaTech USB Redirection - enable "FabulaTech USB Redirection", select the Default rule to "Deny".
Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2020, 6:08pm by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #10 on: Jan 18th, 2021, 11:28am
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Hi all,
i downloaded a trial version of FT WebCam for RDP and installed it on my IGEL UD-6 Lx (Igel OS 11.04.240) like @Sergey_Jarovski described above in this thread. Everything seems to work fine but the final desktop command.
When executing the command from a local console (as root) it works. It seems to be a matter of file rights? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance, Markus
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #11 on: Jan 18th, 2021, 3:06pm
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Try to use  
Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Base - Final initialization command.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #12 on: Feb 8th, 2021, 3:38pm
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on Jan 18th, 2021, 11:28am, gubbeldigub wrote:
Hi all,
i downloaded a trial version of FT WebCam for RDP and installed it on my IGEL UD-6 Lx (Igel OS 11.04.240) like @Sergey_Jarovski described above in this thread. Everything seems to work fine but the final desktop command.
When executing the command from a local console (as root) it works. It seems to be a matter of file rights? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance, Markus

we're facing exactly the same issue.
[quote]Try to use  
Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Base - Final initialization command. [/quote]
Unfortunately this isn't working. Do you have another idea to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
IP Logged
Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #13 on: Feb 8th, 2021, 8:07pm
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Hi Jan,
i was in contact with some friendly IGEL-guy. He found out that the ftwebcamd-service starts sucessfully but will not show in ps -ax. See my log-File. I still had no time to test whether the installation on the terminal server works correctly.
Tell me, if it does Smiley
Regards, Markus
Hi Markus,  
No problem, I've taken a look at the logs and can see a few attempts to start this... but from what I can see, the command is executed successfully?
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost ftwebcamd[5403]: main: version   = 2.8.10
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost ftwebcamd[5403]: main: maximum framerate = 30
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost ftwebcamd[5403]: ljpeg_open: is found
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost run_custom_cmd[5369]: running custom_cmd_final from setup with timeout 10
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost systemd[1]: igel-rc-custom-final.service: Failed to destroy cgroup /system.slice/igel-rc-custom-final.service, ignoring: Device or resource busy
Jan 25 19:49:37 localhost systemd[1]: Finished IGEL rc_custom final.
Jan 25 19:49:46 ITC00E0C53237D1 ftwebcamd[6621]: main: Cannot start - only one program instance is allowed!
Jan 25 19:50:09 ITC00E0C53237D1 ftwebcamd[8571]: main: Cannot start - only one program instance is allowed!
Jan 25 19:50:09 ITC00E0C53237D1 run_custom_cmd[8565]: running custom_cmd_x11_final from setup with timeout 10
Jan 25 19:50:09 ITC00E0C53237D1 systemd[1]: igel-rc-custom-x11-final.service: Succeeded.
Jan 25 19:50:09 ITC00E0C53237D1 systemd[1]: Finished IGEL rc_custom x11_final.
Jan 25 19:50:15 ITC00E0C53237D1 config_custom_partition[8984]: /opt/ftwebcam:   5403e
Does the issue persist in your Remote desktop session?  
IP Logged
Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #14 on: Feb 9th, 2021, 9:06am
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Hi Markus,
if I use "Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Base - Final initialization command" or "Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Desktop - Final desktop command" the Fabulatech software on Windows Server 2019 RDSH says "No connection to workstation module". Only if I start a local terminal on the IGEL and start "/opt/ftwebcam/sbin/ftwebcamd -d" manually the connection from client to server module works. I didn't find a working solution by using the IGEL custom autostart commands.
When I've started the module on IGEL manually the "ps aux | grep ftwebcamd" shows a two rows output, one line with the ftwebcamd from custom command autostart and another line where the path "/opt/ftwebcam/sbin/ftwebcamd -d" is included.
Edit: If I boot the IGEL without network cable attached the ftwebcamd runs permanently after boot and everything works fine. I found out that the ftwebcamd is terminating when the IGEL initializes the network connection..  
We are about to rollout 50 ThinClients and bought Fabulatech Webcam with 20 Session License so it would be great if anybody can help.
Best regards,
Last Edit: Feb 9th, 2021, 11:03am by ThinClient IP Logged
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