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   Author  Topic: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH  (Read 12785 times)
Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #15 on: Feb 9th, 2021, 3:19pm
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I would advise you to test this method (working for me on my test Igel TC) for your purpose:
0) disable your Custom Partition and reboot Igel TC;
1) activate "FabulaTech USB Redirection" feature here:
Setup - Configuration - System - Firmware Customization - Features
2) prevent usb device sharing by USB for Remote Desktop product:
Setup - Configuration - Sessions - RDP/ICA/Horizon Client - RDP/ICA/Horizon Client Global - enable "FabulaTech USB Redirection", select the Default rule to "Deny"
3) download 2.8.10 release of Scanner for Remote Desktop (Linux workstation):
and place it to Igel TC with help of memory stick or ftp/http server (hfs app for example:
unzip the archive in the Local Terminal as root:
tar -zxvf ftwebcam-2.8.10-x86_64.tar.gz -C /wfs
4) add the following string:
/wfs/ftwebcam/sbin/ftwebcamd -d
here: Setup - System - Firmware Customization - Custom Commands - Base - Final initialization command
5) reboot Igel TC, execute in the Local Terminal as root  
ps aux | grep ftwebcamd
and paste the output here in the forum.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #16 on: Feb 9th, 2021, 3:32pm
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3) download 2.8.10 release of Scanner for Remote Desktop (Linux workstation):
and place it to Igel TC with help of memory stick or ftp/http server (hfs app for example:
unzip the archive in the Local Terminal as root:
tar -zxvf ftwebcam-2.8.10-x86_64.tar.gz -C /wfs
Will this installation be persistent after a reboot. I tried something similar some time ago and this didn't work because the installed filed were somehow deleted after each reboot?
Regards, Markus
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #17 on: Feb 9th, 2021, 3:58pm
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Hi, Markus
I don't think so. /wfs folder is an alternative to Custom Partition.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #18 on: Feb 9th, 2021, 5:02pm
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Will the \wfs folder be overwritten within the next update of igelOS?
Regards, Markus
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Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #19 on: Feb 10th, 2021, 8:41am
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You have an answer on this question.
\wfs is an analog of Custom Partition.
Igel FW update does not erase any new files/folders in /wfs.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: IGEL + WebCam + Scanner + 2019 RDSSH
Reply #20 on: Feb 10th, 2021, 9:43am
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thank you Sergey! The way you described works perfectly.
Fabulatech Webcam works as expected when dropping file into "/wfs". The software module loads successfully after each reboot of the ThinClient.
For step 3 I have a little hint:
It's also possible to upload the "ftwebcam-2.8.10-x86_64.tar.gz" to UMS and transfer the file with the UMS by right click on the client: Other commands > File UMS->Device.
@Markus: I've tried also to make this configuration with a client on Firmware 11.03 and update the firmware to 11.04. As Sergey mentioned the configuration stays unaffected and everything works fine after firmware update.
Thanks again for your quick help!
Best regards,
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