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   Author  Topic: Keyboard does not get redirected  (Read 4488 times)
Keyboard does not get redirected
on: Jan 28th, 2020, 5:19pm
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I am trying redirect a HID keyboard but it doesn't appear in the administrative utility's list, only is mouse there. On the workstation side the keyboard is visible and is in 'ready for connection' state. If I right click on it and click 'Redirect' menu, nothing happens. Again, the mouse gets successfully redirected.
The target OS is 7 32, the host is 7 64. What should I check, what might be the issue here?
Thank you.
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Re: Keyboard does not get redirected
Reply #1 on: Jan 29th, 2020, 7:54am
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We are filtering HID devices by default.
To disable this filter you can do the following:
1) open system registry (regedit.exe) on USB for Remote Desktop (server) PC;
2) create a new value HIDFilter (type DWORD, data 0) here
3) restart USB for Remote Desktop (Server Core) service.
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Sergey Jarovski

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