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Posts: 7
Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #3 on: Dec 13th, 2019, 8:27pm |
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I want to share an update. We reached out to Dymo support and identified that Dymo LabelWriter400 is discontinued and not compatible with the latest versions of the software. We then promptly purchased the latest version of the printer, Dymo LabelWriter 450 Turbo. We installed the latest version of their drivers and software: 8.7.3. Here is the issue we're running into. If in printer's settings, in Windows, we select under "Printer Preferences" > "Advanced." Print Quality: 300x300 dpi and Print Quality: Text Only The printer can print the barcode labels. Those labels are though blurry and are not read by the handheld scanners. If I change the printer preferences > advanced to Print Quality: 300x600 dpi and Print Quality: Barcodes and Graphics We encounter the same behavior of the printer, only printing a part of the image. I can even recreate this by right-clicking the printer in Windows, going to Printer Properties, and doing a "Print Test Page." With 300x300 dpi - it prints it well. With 300x600 dpi - it misses a little more than half the label. Here is a sample. It almost feels to me that only part of the data is sent from the PC to the printer via USB redirect. I once again tried both: fast and smooth options. EDIT: I tested printing with 300x600 DPI plugged in directly to a Windows 10 computer, and it printed successfully. The print quality on it was ideal.