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   Author  Topic: DYMO Label Printing issues  (Read 6438 times)
DYMO Label Printing issues
on: Dec 10th, 2019, 9:01pm
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We recently purchased and installed the USB for Remote Desktop solution from FabulaTech. I am running into issues when using our Dymo Label Printer. It only prints half of the label when used with Fabulatech Software. I tried searching this forum for the term "DYMO" and found no results. I will provide additional details below.
1. We use Stratodesk version: 3.1.86-EEs-k503-x64-191203
2. We use USB for Remote Desktop version:
3. We use Windows Server 2016
4. The Dymo Label printer is an older model: LabelWriter 400
5. The Dymo software we use is Dymo Label v.8.7.1
6. The printer itself shows as connected, and Windows recognizes it. No errors or alerts are displayed.
7. When trying to print a label, only about ½ of it is printed.  
8. I tried adjusting “fast”/”smooth” to both ends (fastest and smoothest both).
9. I am adding a link to a photo of the label. The entire text was supposed to read “This is a test” and was centered on the label.
10. When using the same printer and the same software version directly connected via USB to a Windows computer, the label prints fine.
11.   Performing a "Print Test Page" directly from Windows also appears to print only a part of the label.
12.   Printing to regular HP Laser printer via USB for Remote Desktop works just fine.
I was wondering if this is a known issue that someone could help me troubleshoot. I will greatly appreciate the time you can help me save with setting this up.
This is the picture of the printed label. It appears to be cut a bit before the middle.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #1 on: Dec 11th, 2019, 8:07am
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Hi Alex,
Regarding "Dymo Label v.8.7.1" and "Windows Server 2016".
There is no support of Win10/2016 in case of 8.7.1 driver version:
I see the latest 8.7.3 driver version with Windows 10 support:
But there is no your device in the list of the supported printers.
First of all I would advise you to plug your printer directly into Windows Server 2016 PC and test it there  locally.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #2 on: Dec 11th, 2019, 5:44pm
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Thank you for pointing that out. I did not notice the version incompatibility. The Labelwriter400 printed successfully from a Windows 10 1803 version. Although usually Windows 10 compatibility mirrors that of Server 2016, I will do more research into this. I will reach out directly to Dymo to confirm compatibility. I don't currently have a Physical server 2016 to test plugging it in directly. I will have to see what can I do.
I appreciate your time.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #3 on: Dec 13th, 2019, 8:27pm
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I want to share an update.
We reached out to Dymo support and identified that Dymo LabelWriter400 is discontinued and not compatible with the latest versions of the software.
We then promptly purchased the latest version of the printer, Dymo LabelWriter 450 Turbo. We installed the latest version of their drivers and software: 8.7.3.
Here is the issue we're running into.
If in printer's settings, in Windows, we select under "Printer Preferences" > "Advanced."
Print Quality: 300x300 dpi
Print Quality: Text Only
The printer can print the barcode labels. Those labels are though blurry and are not read by the handheld scanners.
If I change the printer preferences > advanced to
Print Quality: 300x600 dpi
Print Quality: Barcodes and Graphics
We encounter the same behavior of the printer, only printing a part of the image. I can even recreate this by right-clicking the printer in Windows, going to Printer Properties, and doing a "Print Test Page."
With 300x300 dpi - it prints it well.
With 300x600 dpi - it misses a little more than half the label.  
Here is a sample.
It almost feels to me that only part of the data is sent from the PC to the printer via USB redirect.  
I once again tried both: fast and smooth options.
EDIT: I tested printing with 300x600 DPI plugged in directly to a Windows 10 computer, and it printed successfully. The print quality on it was ideal.
Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2019, 8:40pm by Alex.R IP Logged
Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #4 on: Dec 16th, 2019, 8:19am
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Hi again,
Ok. You wrote "3. We use Windows Server 2016".
What about your test result on this OS?
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #5 on: Dec 17th, 2019, 2:51pm
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Unfortunately, I do not have a physical machine with Windows 2016 installed on it to test plugging in the Dymo printer directly. All our 2016 Servers are virtual.
In my experience, however, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 behave extremely similarly.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #6 on: Dec 17th, 2019, 3:46pm
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In most cases, yes. But I know the examples of support Win10 without support of server OSs on the driver/sw level. That's why I am asking you to test Dymo driver/sw on this OS.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #7 on: Dec 19th, 2019, 7:14pm
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Per your recommendation, I was able to install Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (the same version we have virtualized in production), on an older physical device.  
I then installed Dymo Label Writer, configured the printer preferences to print 300 x 600 DPI with "Barcodes and Graphics" settings, and it printed successfully.  
I am adding the screenshot from the Server2016 and a photo of the resulting label.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #8 on: Dec 20th, 2019, 8:16am
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Hi again,
Ok, install USB for Remote Desktop (server) on this physical Windows 2016 PC, plug printer into Stratodesk TC, run RD session and confirm the problem.  Plug printer into Windows 10 PC, run RD session and confirm the absence of the problem.
Last Edit: Dec 20th, 2019, 8:16am by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #9 on: Dec 31st, 2019, 5:37pm
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I was able to recreate the following:
1. Installed Dymo Drivers on to Physical Windows 2016 Server. Plugged in Dymo printer via USB directly into the Physical Windows 2016 Server. Printed everything successfully.
2. Installed Fabulatech usb-for-remote-desktop-server-64bit on that same Physical Server. Unplugged the Dymo Label Printer. Connected to Windows 2016 Server with Stratodesk NoTouchOS thin client with Fabulatech enabled using FreeRDP protocol. I was able to recreate the problem where only about 1/2 the label prints.
3. Connected to that same server using a Windows 10 laptop via RDP, and was able to print the full label successfully to the "redirected" printer.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #10 on: Jan 3rd, 2020, 3:09pm
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I have sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #11 on: Jan 29th, 2020, 3:19pm
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For people who might eventually stumble upon this thread looking for a solution, I am going to describe our further findings below.
After working directly with Sergey, we were able to capture data about the functioning of their app, and Sergey concluded that it was indeed a bug that prevented the Dymo Label Printer to print the full label. The ticket was escalated to the Fabulatech development team, who released a beta version of USB for Remote Desktop for Linux.  
According to my internal tests so far, this issue no longer happens in version 6.0.24.
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Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #12 on: Dec 24th, 2022, 11:44am
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on Dec 31st, 2019, 5:37pm, Alex.R wrote:
I was able to recreate the following:
1. Installed Dymo Drivers on to Physical Windows 2016 Server. Plugged in Dymo printer via USB directly into the Physical Windows 2016 Server. Printed everything successfully.
2. Installed Fabulatech usb-for-remote-desktop-server-64bit on that same Physical Server. Unplugged the Dymo Label Printer. Connected to Windows 2016 Server with Stratodesk NoTouchOS thin client with Fabulatech enabled using FreeRDP protocol. I was able to recreate the problem where only about 1/2 the label prints.
3. Connected to that same server using a Windows 10 laptop via RDP, and was able to print the full label successfully to the "redirected" printer.

Will this same process be going to work with the thermal printer for shipping labels ( of Munbyn brand as well with similar functionalities?
Last Edit: Dec 24th, 2022, 11:47am by pinkie3 IP Logged
Re: DYMO Label Printing issues
Reply #13 on: Dec 26th, 2022, 9:02am
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Test our solution for your purpose.
If no success then contact Stratodesk Support and ask to update USB for Remote Desktop (workstation) part in NoTouch OS to the latest ( version:
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Sergey Jarovski

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