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Re: Trying to use USB-RDP for a Tracer UC400
Reply #1 on: Dec 6th, 2019, 9:09am |
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Hi, Thanks for the interest in out solution and your request. I am glad to assist you. I hope you are testing our latest (6.0) release of USB for Remote Desktop. Please look at these 3 solutions ( - Device redirection stops working for no obvious reasons or after Windows or FabulaTech software update. USB port where the device is plugged is still the same. - Device redirection does not work immediately after USB for Remote Desktop installation or after plugging the device into another USB port. - Previous methods does not work but the device needs to be redirected. P.S. Do you have a serial port in Trane UC400 device? If yes then you can redirect it from the local to the remote side within RDP session with help of Serial Port for Remote Desktop product.