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   Author  Topic: Devices connected is seen by all users  (Read 4526 times)
Devices connected is seen by all users
on: Dec 4th, 2018, 9:21am
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Connected device in one pc shows in another pc.
The server part of USB for Remote Desktop is installed on the server.
2 workstation part of USB for Remote Desktop is installed on two workstation.
2 devices is connected to both workstation.
Using RDP to log on to the server session (lets call it session1 and session2).
The session1 shows the device connected to the local pc and, also shows the device connected to the session2.
In session 2 also shows both devices.
Can you please tell me what's wrong. Whats the best way to solve this problem?
Regards, Hamid
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Re: Devices connected is seen by all users
Reply #1 on: Dec 4th, 2018, 11:06am
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Regarding "The session1 shows the device connected to the local pc".
What device (manufacturer and model) you are redirecting within RD session with help of our product?
As I understand that you can see redirected device of another RD session in Device Manager, correct?
Ok. You can see it there, but can use use it?
Please clarify.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Devices connected is seen by all users
Reply #2 on: Dec 4th, 2018, 12:12pm
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Its a spirometry medical device for (flow and volume measurement for lung). The device use Silicon Labs USB to UART bridge drivers.
Yes I can see redirected device of another RD session in Device Manager. Then there is no way to tell which one is from the local or which one is from another RD session.
Yes I can use the one where connected to the other session.
Please see the screenshots here:!AgIYmTQY-xSepAeOL74MMiNyc6W4
Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2018, 12:17pm by Hamid IP Logged
Re: Devices connected is seen by all users
Reply #3 on: Dec 4th, 2018, 12:51pm
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Hi again,
Thanks for clarification.
Try to open com13 (your own redirected usb-to-com device) and com17 (usb-to-com redirected by another RDP session) with help of putty and let me know the result.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Devices connected is seen by all users
Reply #4 on: Dec 4th, 2018, 4:04pm
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I tried Putty and here is the "confusing" result. Undecided
Session1: one device connected to COM13
Session2: one device connected to COM20
Windows device manager in both session shows COM13 and COM20.
I run Putty i session1, connect to COM13, ok. Connect to COM20, fail. Run it again and it fails to connect to COM13 but ok to COM20. Runs it again it fails to connect to both! After a minute I tried to run putty again and it successfully connects to both COM ports!
All test is also the same on session 2. one second connect other second fail. Vise versa.
Looks like something happening in USB for Remote Desktop redirection or server side. Since it get confused. Like a refreshing every second and connecting and disconnecting to both.
For your information: both devices are the same from same manufactory. (think like you connect two logitech cam to the two computers and from one computer can you see recording cam from another one).
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Re: Devices connected is seen by all users
Reply #5 on: Dec 5th, 2018, 3:08pm
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I can confirm this issue.
This problem was solved in our new beta.
Please wait for the new release of the product or use another our solution - Serial Port Redirector for Remote Desktop.
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Sergey Jarovski

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