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   Author  Topic: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP  (Read 6467 times)
Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
on: Feb 21st, 2018, 10:45am
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please need some help/guidance - trying to connect USB for Remote-Desktop:
Client: Igel UD3 IZ3 RFX Igel Zero OS 10.03.550, USB RemoteFX deactivated, USB Fabulatech activated, device rules on Igel defined
"Server": Windows 10 - V1709.16299.248, dedicated Remote-FX-graphiccard in VM added
RDP-Connection using RemoteFX (but not: USB RemoteFX redirection)
a) "Igel"-Fabulatech-Version 5.0.2 from - shows error "running in local session" (it is a Win10, not a RDP-Server), no connection possible
b) USB for RemoteDesktop Version shows "no connection to workstation module"
Hint: There is no rdp legacy mode setting in Igel OS10 RDP Global/RDP Session that I could activate.
How can I proceed? Thanks for any help..  Smiley
BR Sascha
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Re: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
Reply #1 on: Feb 21st, 2018, 11:55am
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I don't see your current (10.03.550) version of Igel FW on the official website:
I would advise you to upgrade your Igel TC to 10.03.570 FW version.
Enable the "FabulaTech USB Redirection" option on the follow sections:
1) Setup - Configuration - System - Firmware Customization - Features - FabulaTech USB Redirection (additionally choose the "Allow" option)
2) Setup - Configuration - Sessions - RDP - RDP Global - FabulaTech USB Redirection
Can you confirm that you don't have "RDP legacy mode" option here:
Setup - Sessions - RDP - RDP Global - Option?
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
Reply #2 on: Feb 22nd, 2018, 9:06am
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Hi Sergey,
thanks for your quick reply! I have updated the Igel Firmware to the latest .570 version (  
To the other points:  
1) System - Firmware - Customizations - Features - Fabulatech USB Redirection is activated
2) Setup -Configuration - Session - RDP - RDP Global - Fabulatech USB Redirection is activated
3) Yes I can confirm, there is no "RDP legacy mode" option in Setup - Sessions - RDP - RDP Global - Option (or anywhere else in RDP Global or RDP Session)
As my "Server" (where the USB should be directed to) is a Win10 VM (and not a RDSH-Server), are there any other configs to perform?
BR Alexander
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Re: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
Reply #3 on: Feb 22nd, 2018, 10:53am
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Hi again,
Please confirm that you are using 5.2.3 version of USB for Remote Desktop (server) (Win10 PC)?
If yes I need to check the status of our daemon on your Igel TC.
Do you have a possibility to run terminal on it and execute the following command ps aux | grep ftusbnetd?
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
Reply #4 on: Feb 23rd, 2018, 8:17am
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Hi Sergey,
thanks for the deep dive, details are as following:
a) Fabulatech-Version is (Windows 10 VM)
b) Linux TC: pas aux | grep ftusbnetd shows:
7399 0.0 0.0  45220 1014 ttyy1 S+ 21:21 0:00 grep  --color=Auto ftusbnetd (in red)
c) I set class rules and device rules in -Sessions-RDP-RDP Global - Fabulatech USB Redirection
c1) class rules
Rule - ClassID - Name - Override Serial - Override Name - Postpone - Takeaway - No Reset
Allow - Audio - Policy Rule - / -  / - No - No - No
Allow - Communication - Policy Rule - / -  / - No - No - No
Allow - Video - Policy Rule - / -  / - No - No - No
c1) device rules
Allow - 046d - 082d -  - - - Yes - Yes - Yes
What I realize with Fabulatech activated (in global RDP Session) - plugging in a USB stick, seems that Fabulatech accesses it - can't access it via Thin Client or inside the VM. Deactivting Fabulatech (in global RDP Session) gives me access to the USB stick on Thin Client level (and then inside the VM).
How can i get some extended logging?
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Re: Igel UD3 and Windows 10 V1709 RDP
Reply #5 on: Feb 23rd, 2018, 9:17am
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Hi again,
"7399 0.0 0.0  45220 1014 ttyy1 S+ 21:21 0:00 grep  --color=Auto ftusbnetd (in red)" is a cause of issue, there is no ftusbnetd daemon in memory on your Igel TC.
Find the location of ftusbnetd, go to that folder and try to run it with help of the following command ./ftusbnetd -d
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Sergey Jarovski

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