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   Author  Topic: Support for Arduino Boards  (Read 11436 times)
Support for Arduino Boards
on: Aug 10th, 2017, 5:22pm
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I try to connect different Arduino boards over "USB for Remote Desktop". Boards with a FTDI USB serial converter are OK, but the Arduino UNO and the Arduino MEGA 2650 do not work.
The device Manager shows all boards, but the Ardoino IDE is not able to get the board information or upload any "sketch"
The error message is:  
avrdude: ser_open(): cantn't open device "\.\\COM6": Access is denied
Server: Windows 2016 USB for Remote Desltop:  5.2
Client: Linux based System / Version 5.2.3
lokal connected devices or connected over usb redirection from vmware are ok.
Much appreciated!  
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #1 on: Aug 11th, 2017, 2:35pm
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further testing with these results:
Arduino 1.6.6 on Windows Server 2012 R2:
- Arduino Mega 2650 was OK
- Arduino UNO was OK
- Arduino Nano was OK
Arduino 1.6.6 on Windows Server 2016:
- Arduino Mega 2650 --> Error: avrdude: ser_open(): cantn't open device "\.\\COM6": Access is denied  
- Arduino UNO --> Error: avrdude: ser_open(): cantn't open device "\.\\COM11": Access is denied  
- Arduino Nano was OK
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #2 on: Aug 14th, 2017, 8:54am
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There is no support of Win2k16 for now.
In any case I would advise you to run the following test:
1) plug your device to Win2k16 PC (or redirect it to the guest OS with help of VMware tools);
2) install the device driver and test it there with help of your app;
3) run RD session from USB for RD (workstation) to server PC, connect your device with help of USB for RD (server) PC, test your device on the remote side within RD session with help of your app.
Send me your test results after that.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #3 on: Aug 14th, 2017, 12:22pm
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Hello Sergey,
Do you want to have list of all done steps?
Would it be OK to send an mp4 file with a screen cast?
Kind Retards,
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #4 on: Aug 14th, 2017, 1:19pm
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Hi again,
Ok, make a video of the test process and upload it on the free file hosting.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #5 on: Aug 14th, 2017, 3:17pm
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Hi Sergey,
Here are two screencasts:
1.) VMware connected to W2016 console with a redirected Arduino UNO --> everything works fine  
2.)  VMware hosted Thin Client OS with redirected Arduino UNO / redirected to session via "USB for Remote Desktop" (physical TC shows the same behavior)
Best Regards,
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #6 on: Aug 14th, 2017, 5:00pm
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Hi again,
Please run all (3) steps according to my instruction (I need to know the native behavior of the device driver/SW for device within RDP session without FabulaTech usb device redirection).
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #7 on: Aug 15th, 2017, 8:35am
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Here are the more detailed Information
1)plug your device to Win2k16 PC (or redirect it to the guest OS with help of VMware tools);  
•shown in previous screencast
2)install the device driver and test it there with help of your app;
•The driver will be preinstalled from the Arduino setup and are located in the directory C:\Program files(x86)\Arduino\drivers. There is a program called dpinst-amd64.exe to install all Arduino based drivers for different boards. I have used the most common board Arduino UNO.
•I have removed the driver manually. After reconnect the device the driver will reinstalled automatically Now it does not appear as “Arduino UNO” but as serial usb device (
•The device is connected to a generic USB-Hub  
•Reinstalled the driver via dpinst-amd64.exe  
•The app finds the board an there are no problems to work with
•The app uses avrdude.exe to upload the sketches to the board. An interesting detail is: avrdude.exe uses libusb0.dll (part of libusb-win32 project. This is a project to provide user space USB-API compatible to libusb).
3)run RD session from USB for RD (workstation) to server PC, connect your device with help of USB for RD (server) PC, test your device on the remote side within RD session with help of your app.  
•With “USB for Remotedektop” the device is connected different.
•There is no generic USB-Hub in between
•Might be the libusb-win32 responsible, as it is not aware of the USB-Bus you are creating with your product?
•At a first glance Arduino see the board.
•Though avrdude is not able to open \\.\COMM11: Access is denied
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #8 on: Aug 15th, 2017, 9:12am
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Hi again,
Thanks for your clarification regarding libusb.
There is no support of this library for now.
We have a plan to realize the support (task#755Cool.
I'll keep you updated.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #9 on: Aug 15th, 2017, 10:39am
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That is very unfortunate since we have a customer project in which different usb-boards are to be connected. Is there a time horizon when libusb is supported
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #10 on: Aug 15th, 2017, 12:44pm
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Hi Michael ,
No, sorry. I can say the value of ETA for now.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #11 on: Aug 15th, 2017, 6:23pm
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Hi Sergey,
never the less. I don't understand why it works with Windows 2012R2 and not with W2016. usblib-win32 will be used in both environments.
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #12 on: Aug 16th, 2017, 7:40am
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I have spent some more time on testing this issue.
The “USB for Remote Desktop” log file shows these entries (on Windows Server 2012R2):
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [SERVICE]: Build Mar 28 2017. Windows Server 2012  (build 9200), 64-bit
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 517, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:FALSE)
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: new VirtID is assigned for new device (physID: 517, virtID:1)
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: Device found in rules list, physID:517, virtID:1
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: Start connecting device 517
2017.08.15 22:16:30.336 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: sending ConnectToDevice for 517 device
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect, nUniqId=517
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: Begin nUniqId=517
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::UnPackUsbDevOptions: device options parsed. Num of conf. descr: 1, Num of string descr: 3
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Get serial number from devInfo. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Creating virtual device with serial number. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::Virtual device created, unit: 17
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: End (physId:517, virtId:1)
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 517, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:TRUE)
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: VirtID found (physID: 517, virtID:1)
2017.08.15 22:16:30.821 [10936] [4724] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: Device connected to this client, do nothing (physID: 517, virtID:1)
2017.08.15 22:16:31.352 [10936] [9700] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} -> \Device\USBPDO-6. Session id is 15
2017.08.15 22:16:31.352 [10936] [9700] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{e7c99b5d-3a3f-414a-898d-c6d9eae5330b} -> \Device\USBPDO-6. Session id is 15
Everything is OK
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #13 on: Aug 16th, 2017, 7:40am
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On a Windows Server 2016 I get these Entries:
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [SERVICE]: Build Dec  2 2016. Windows Server 2012  (build 9200), 64-bit
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 520, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:FALSE)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: new VirtID is assigned for new device (physID: 520, virtID:5)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: Device found in rules list, physID:520, virtID:5
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: Start connecting device 520
2017.08.15 20:56:23.224 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: sending ConnectToDevice for 520 device
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect, nUniqId=520
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: Begin nUniqId=520
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::UnPackUsbDevOptions: device options parsed. Num of conf. descr: 1, Num of string descr: 3
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Get serial number from devInfo. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Creating virtual device with serial number. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::Virtual device created, unit: 2
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: End (physId:520, virtId:5)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 520, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:TRUE)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: VirtID found (physID: 520, virtID:5)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5132] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: Device connected to this client, do nothing (physID: 520, virtID:5)
2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5464] [DEBUG]: Getting new irp data failed. Error 31: Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerät funktioniert nicht.  dw: 0
2017.08.15 20:56:24.349 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.365 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.365 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.396 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.396 [2388] [3116] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 20:56:24.396 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.411 [2388] [3116] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{e7c99b5d-3a3f-414a-898d-c6d9eae5330b} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 20:56:24.411 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.411 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:24.411 [2388] [3116] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 20:56:25.380 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:25.380 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:25.396 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:26.396 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:26.396 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:26.411 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:27.415 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:27.423 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:27.437 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:28.446 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:28.452 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:28.452 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:28.466 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:29.480 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:29.486 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 20:56:29.493 [2388] [5132] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
There are some Errors and this message: 2017.08.15 20:56:23.708 [2388] [5464] [DEBUG]: Getting new irp data failed. Error 31: Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerät funktioniert nicht.  dw: 0
Which means, that on connected Device does not work.  
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Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #14 on: Aug 16th, 2017, 7:42am
Quote Quote  Modify Modify

As already mentioned Windows Server 2016 is not supported right now, I have setup a Windows 10 with “USB for Remote Desktop” (server side components). On this Windows 10 system, I get following messages:
2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [SERVICE]: Build Mar 28 2017. Windows 8  (build 9200), 64-bit
2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 518, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:FALSE)
2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: new VirtID is assigned for new device (physID: 518, virtID:2)
2017.08.15 23:31:44.662 [2288] [8028] [INFO]: CVirtEngine::ConnectToClientDevice(): start connect procedure for device, virtId=2
2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ConnectToPhysDevice(): Start, nPhysDevId=518
2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: Start connecting device 518
2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: sending ConnectToDevice for 518 device
2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect, nUniqId=518
2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: Begin nUniqId=518
2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::UnPackUsbDevOptions: device options parsed. Num of conf. descr: 1, Num of string descr: 3
2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Get serial number from devInfo. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Creating virtual device with serial number. Serial is: 95432313038351115140
2017.08.15 23:31:45.506 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::Virtual device created, unit: 1
2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceConnected: End (physId:518, virtId:2)
2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 518, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:TRUE)
2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: VirtID found (physID: 518, virtID:2)
2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer:ShockednDeviceInfoUpdated: Device connected to this client, do nothing (physID: 518, virtID:2)
2017.08.15 23:31:49.756 [2288] [5852] [DEBUG]: Getting new irp data failed. Error 31: Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerät funktioniert nicht.  dw: 0
2017.08.15 23:31:49.943 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{e7c99b5d-3a3f-414a-898d-c6d9eae5330b} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2
2017.08.15 23:31:50.771 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.771 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:50.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:51.459 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:52.803 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:52.803 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:52.818 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
2017.08.15 23:31:53.818 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260
These are the same message like on a Wndows Server 2016.
I guess my hint regarding the libusb-win32 library was not helpful and not the reason for this issue. The device (Arduino UNO) connected to Windows Server 2012 R2 via “USB for Remote Desktop” can be open with putty. It just uses the COM interface. If the same device is connect to Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 it cannot be opened with putty.
There is something strange with the device redirection on Windows 10 (Windows Server 2016)…
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