FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 14
Re: Support for Arduino Boards
Reply #14 on: Aug 16th, 2017, 7:42am |
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As already mentioned Windows Server 2016 is not supported right now, I have setup a Windows 10 with “USB for Remote Desktop” (server side components). On this Windows 10 system, I get following messages: 2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [SERVICE]: Build Mar 28 2017. Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit 2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer: nDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 518, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:FALSE) 2017.08.15 23:31:33.966 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer: nDeviceInfoUpdated: new VirtID is assigned for new device (physID: 518, virtID:2) 2017.08.15 23:31:44.662 [2288] [8028] [INFO]: CVirtEngine::ConnectToClientDevice(): start connect procedure for device, virtId=2 2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ConnectToPhysDevice(): Start, nPhysDevId=518 2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: Start connecting device 518 2017.08.15 23:31:45.006 [2288] [8028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer::ConnectToDevice: sending ConnectToDevice for 518 device 2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect, nUniqId=518 2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer: nDeviceConnected: Begin nUniqId=518 2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::UnPackUsbDevOptions: device options parsed. Num of conf. descr: 1, Num of string descr: 3 2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Get serial number from devInfo. Serial is: 95432313038351115140 2017.08.15 23:31:45.490 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice: Creating virtual device with serial number. Serial is: 95432313038351115140 2017.08.15 23:31:45.506 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CVirtUsbDevice::Virtual device created, unit: 1 2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer: nDeviceConnected: End (physId:518, virtId:2) 2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [INFO]: CUsbServer: nDeviceInfoUpdated: physical device arrived (physID: 518, Name: Unknown USB device, vid: 0x2341, pid: 0x43, bcd: 0x1, busy:TRUE) 2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer: nDeviceInfoUpdated: VirtID found (physID: 518, virtID:2) 2017.08.15 23:31:45.521 [2288] [6028] [DEBUG]: CUsbServer: nDeviceInfoUpdated: Device connected to this client, do nothing (physID: 518, virtID:2) 2017.08.15 23:31:49.756 [2288] [5852] [DEBUG]: Getting new irp data failed. Error 31: Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerät funktioniert nicht. dw: 0 2017.08.15 23:31:49.943 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2 2017.08.15 23:31:50.428 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{e7c99b5d-3a3f-414a-898d-c6d9eae5330b} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2 2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.443 [2288] [3248] [DEBUG]: CMoveSymLink: Device is virtual. USB#Vid_2341&Pid_0043#95432313038351115140#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} -> \Device\USBPDO-4. Session id is 2 2017.08.15 23:31:50.771 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.771 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:50.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:51.459 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:51.787 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:52.803 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:52.803 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:52.818 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 2017.08.15 23:31:53.818 [2288] [6028] [ERROR]: ConvertNetworkToUrb: Unknown function 260 These are the same message like on a Wndows Server 2016. I guess my hint regarding the libusb-win32 library was not helpful and not the reason for this issue. The device (Arduino UNO) connected to Windows Server 2012 R2 via “USB for Remote Desktop” can be open with putty. It just uses the COM interface. If the same device is connect to Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 it cannot be opened with putty. There is something strange with the device redirection on Windows 10 (Windows Server 2016)…