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   Author  Topic: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470  (Read 10291 times)
Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
on: Jun 28th, 2016, 10:58am
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I'm looking into using Fabulatech's USB over Network 5.1.1 to get some Wacom Tablets working from iGel Universal Desktop OS 2 5.09 to Windows 8/8.1, 10 and Server 2012 R2.
I have been in contact with iGel's support, they have suggested contacting you if the device wouldn't passthrough from a Windows to Remote Desktop situation using the USB over Remote Desktop software.
I have tried using USB over Remote Desktop on a Windows 10 machine as Workstation and a Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 as Server. Neither the Windows to Windows or iGel to Windows would passthrough the Wacom tablet.
Neither show the device as connectable, I have managed to use a USB PenDrive and a USB Hard Drive caddie.
So the issue can't be down to the connection between the two modules, it seems the software doesn't want to passthrough certain devices.
Last Edit: Jun 28th, 2016, 10:59am by Jake_Southcombe IP Logged
Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #1 on: Jun 29th, 2016, 5:32am
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Hi Jake,
Thanks for the interest in our products.
Let me know the model of your Wacom STU.
What do you mean by "Neither show the device as connectable"? Can you activate your Wacom via GUI on the remote side within RDP session? Can you see it via Device Manager on the remote PC after that? What SW for Wacom (product name and version) you are using?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #2 on: Jun 29th, 2016, 5:59am
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Hi Sergey,
The model of the device is CTH-470, I'm not sure what you mean by STU.
This is what I mean by the devices not showing as connectable.
Device Manager on the Remote PC does not show the device
The software used is for the Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch, and it's version 3.5.3-5, Which was downloaded from here:
Windows 8 and then Bamboo Pen&Touch / Bamboo Fun
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Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #3 on: Jun 29th, 2016, 6:18am
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Hi again Jake,
I would advise you to do the following on "USB for Remote Desktop (server)" PC:
- create the new value here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ftusbrdsrv:
Value name: HIDFilter
Value type: DWORD (32-bit) Value
Value data: 0
- reboot your USB for Remote Desktop (server) PC;
- try to reproduce the issue one more time.
Please send me your test results after that.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #4 on: Jun 29th, 2016, 10:39am
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Hello Sergey,
That has let the Server show the device in the list, but once I click to activate the device to passthrough, it just stops working as an input device on the local machine and the remote machine.
But the Wacom preferences program can discover the tablet now, whereas before it would say no tablet connected.
Not sure if any other Registry files could affect the loss of input.
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Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #5 on: Jun 30th, 2016, 3:09am
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Hi Jake,
There is no possibility to use your Wacom device locally after activation on the remote side within RDP session. This is the native behavior of our SW.
Please clarify your statement: "it just stops working as an input device on ... the remote machine" but "the Wacom preferences program can discover the tablet now".
1) Please activate the Wacom on the remote side within RDP session, make the screenshot of "USB for Remote Desktop (server)" GUI and post it here. I need to know the status of Wacom after activation. Make the screenshot of Device Manager of the remote side if possible. I need to see the Wacom there. Post it here too.
2) You must be sure that your SW for Wacom is intended for RDP usage. I would advise you to run the following test:
- plug your Wacom device to "USB for Remote Desktop (workstation)" PC;
- test it locally via Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch;
- run RDP session from any other PC of your LAN to "USB for Remote Desktop (workstation)" PC;
- test the Wacom on the remote side within RDP session via Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch.
Awaiting your reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #6 on: Jun 30th, 2016, 7:00am
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Hi Sergey,
Here is the device activated on the USB for Remote Desktop app,
Also included the device in Device Manager once Activated
Wacom software loaded & About section
The physical buttons will work on the device along with the software on RDP, just the touch pad doesn't work.
Sorry this part is confusing me.
2) You must be sure that your SW for Wacom is intended for RDP usage. I would advise you to run the following test:  
- plug your Wacom device to "USB for Remote Desktop (workstation)" PC;  
- test it locally via Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch;  
- run RDP session from any other PC of your LAN to "USB for Remote Desktop (workstation)" PC;  
- test the Wacom on the remote side within RDP session via Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch.  
Is this what needs to be done?
1. Do you want me to plug into my machine (workstation), test it with the SW.
2. Then leave it plugged into my machine (workstation)
3. RDP into my machine from another workstation/machine.
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Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #7 on: Jun 30th, 2016, 10:40am
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Hi Jake,
Yes, you are right. That's what I mean.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #8 on: Jun 30th, 2016, 11:20am
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Hi Sergey,
Running directly from my machine works.
Remote connecting into my machine, the software will load.
If I go to my machine it still works locally, and moves the Windows 10 lockscreen.
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Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #9 on: Jul 1st, 2016, 2:28am
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You don't need to "go to my machine".
I would advise you to do the following:
1. Plug your Wacom into your machine (workstation), test it with the SW  
2. Then leave it plugged into your machine (workstation)  
3. RDP into your machine from another workstation/machine  
4. Test Wacom on the remote side within RDP session via Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #10 on: Jul 1st, 2016, 3:54am
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Hi Sergey,
I have tested this.
1. Works fine from My Machine
2. Logged on via a RDP session to my machine
3. It says "an issue with the driver please reboot system"
4. Logged back to my Machine and it works again
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Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #11 on: Jul 1st, 2016, 5:31am
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Hi Jake,
I have sent you an email.
Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #12 on: Jan 6th, 2020, 8:25am
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I have a xp-pen deco 03 ( ) drawing pad . does it is intended for RDP usage .
Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2020, 8:26am by gunkai IP Logged
Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #13 on: Jan 6th, 2020, 8:47am
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This is a question for the developers of the app for your device.
Run the same test:
1. Plug your device into your local machine, test it with the SW  
2. Then leave it plugged into your machine
3. RDP into your machine from another machine  
4. Test the device on the remote side within RDP session
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch CTH-470
Reply #14 on: Jan 28th, 2022, 3:25pm
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We are having the same issue with our Wacom tablets (different model CTL4100). Our setup is as follows:
- Home laptop, where the tablet is physically plugged (Workstation installed)
- Office PC (Server installed)
- Windows 10 on both computer, using Remote Desktop (10.0.19041)
As soon as the user enables the Wacom tablet in USB for Remote Desktop, the input stops working on both the local laptop as well as in the Remote Desktop session.
Is there any way to solve this issue? We are testing the trial version of USB for Remote Desktop, if that matters.
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