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   Author  Topic: Licence count  (Read 5311 times)
Licence count
on: May 25th, 2016, 10:32am
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does someone know how the usb for remote desktop server count licences. I have 10 host licences and 10 active terminal server with usb for remote but I get an licence exceeded error. I don't know why.
Thans for your help.
Best regards,
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Re: Licence count
Reply #1 on: May 25th, 2016, 11:05am
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Hi Michael,
"License exceeding" means that in your case you have more than 10 USB for Remote Desktop (server)s on the LAN. Please look at licstat.txt (C:\ProgramData\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop Server\) for more detail (you can read it using "administrator" account only). You must uninstall your eleventh USB for Remote Desktop (server).
Last Edit: May 25th, 2016, 11:05am by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: Licence count
Reply #2 on: May 25th, 2016, 11:29am
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Hi Sergey,
thanks for your fast answer. Scan the usb for remote desktop server the whole network for other servers?
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Re: Licence count
Reply #3 on: May 26th, 2016, 5:02am
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Dear Michael,
We are using our own method to determine the number of servers on the network.
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Sergey Jarovski

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