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   Author  Topic: Virtual COM port from USB card reader not created  (Read 4550 times)
Virtual COM port from USB card reader not created
on: Apr 13th, 2016, 3:56am
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just today I wanted to connect an USB card reader to my Igel UD10. The device shows up in the usbrdsrv.exe gui but for some reason it only shows up in the device manager as "usb composite device" (USB Verbundgerät in German).
What actually _should_ happen is for it to create a communication device which then enables a virtual COM port.
Any ideas why this is not happening?
Best regards,
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Re: Virtual COM port from USB card reader not crea
Reply #1 on: Apr 13th, 2016, 11:57pm
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Hi Markus,
I would advise you to plug your usb card reader to your remote (USB for Remote Desktop (server)) side, install the driver for it there and test it locally.
Send me your test results after that.
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Sergey Jarovski

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