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   Author  Topic: XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local sessi  (Read 5610 times)
XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local sessi
on: Aug 19th, 2015, 5:12am
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I'm testing the USB for Remote Desktop as trial version at the moment.
We are using XenDesktop 7.6 with Igel UD5. The virtual desktop is running under Windows 7.
In the virtual Windows 7 i only see the message "Running in local session" with a yellow exclamation mark.
USB for Remote Desktop 5.1 beta
Igel Firmware 5.07.100
Igel Settings:
Fabulatech is activated under Sessions / Citrix XenDesktop / HDX ICA Global / Fabulatech USB Redirection
Fabulatech is activated under Sessions / RDP / RDP Global / Fabulatech USB Redirection
System / firmware Customization / Features / FabulaTech USB Redirection is activated
Native Redirection is deactivated
In ftusbrdsrv.log are the following messages after installation:
2015.08.18 15:35:38 [2900] [2904] [ERROR]: CMoveSymLink: Error! Cannot query symbolic link target Root#MEDIA#0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\CTXAD_WAVE_0
2015.08.18 15:35:38 [2900] [2904] [ERROR]: CMoveSymLink: Error! Cannot query symbolic link target Root#MEDIA#0000#{65e8773e-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\CTXAD_WAVE_0
2015.08.18 15:35:38 [2900] [2904] [ERROR]: CMoveSymLink: Error! Cannot query symbolic link target Root#MEDIA#0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\CTXAD_WAVE_0
2015.08.18 15:35:38 [2900] [2904] [ERROR]: CMoveSymLink: Error! Cannot query symbolic link target Root#MEDIA#0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\CTXAD_TOPOLOGY_0
2015.08.18 15:35:38 [2900] [2904] [ERROR]: CMoveSymLink: Error! Cannot query symbolic link target Root#MEDIA#0000#{dda54a40-1e4c-11d1-a050-405705c10000}\CTXAD_TOPOLOGY_0
How can i get the USB to Remote Desktop working with XenDesktop?
Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2015, 5:51am by Thiele IP Logged
Re: XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local s
Reply #1 on: Aug 20th, 2015, 3:02am
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Hi !
We know this issue with XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6.
We're trying to investigate and fix it.
Thanks for your patience.
IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local s
Reply #2 on: Oct 15th, 2015, 6:01am
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Same problem here, same XenDesktop and Igel Versions. Only that the virtual Desktop is the Windows-Terminalserver itself, Microsoft Server 2012 R2. We provision full Desktop.
Funny that Igel already have implemented Fabulatech Client 5.1 , as the 5.1 Server is still beta. I'm a bit reserved to install beta-Software in a productive Environment. But I need to go on, as the new Igel-Firmware won't work anymore with Fabulatech Server 5.0.x, as Igel has the 5.1 Client.  
Same thing with the License Server. We are working with provisioned Server Images. To update the license we need to edit that Image an configure it inside. A license-Server would be much easier to handle. I'm waiting for it since last december 2014!
Last Edit: Oct 15th, 2015, 6:03am by skratchi IP Logged
Re: XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local s
Reply #3 on: Dec 14th, 2015, 12:43am
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Any news or updates about this Problem? I installed new Firmware for Igel V. 5.08.100 with an updated Fabulatech Client. Also installed Fabulatech Server 5.1 Beta 8. But still no joy.  
I need to migrate my users to our new platform with xendesktop 7.6. Is there a Workaround or something WE can do?
Thank you.
Last Edit: Dec 14th, 2015, 12:43am by skratchi IP Logged
Re: XenDesktop 7.6 + Igel UD5 + Running in local s
Reply #4 on: Jan 6th, 2016, 9:18am
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Finally it seems to work now with the new build from december 30, 2015. Thank you!
So now the last thing I'm waiting for is the license Server. Any news or informations about that?
IP Logged
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