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   Author  Topic: Linux client/Receiver 13.1 + Citrix Xenapp 7.6  (Read 5498 times)
Linux client/Receiver 13.1 + Citrix Xenapp 7.6
on: Mar 24th, 2015, 1:02pm
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I'm running XenApp 7.6 and USB over Network Server 5.0.5 on my Windows 2012 r2. I have enabled the citrix usb redirection policies.
I'm trying to connect from a Fedora linux client with the Citrix Receiver 13.1 and USB over Network Client 5.0.6. The issue is that I see any usb devices in the usb console. I have a grey message "Start by inserting USB Device"
If I run the command ftusbrdpctl I see some devices with the status shared.
Anyone can help me?
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Re: Linux client/Receiver 13.1 + Citrix Xenapp 7.6
Reply #1 on: Mar 25th, 2015, 3:30am
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Hi !
Please let me know what product you are using now ? Do you mean "USB for Remote Desktop" ?
The best way for using USB over Network is the direct connection, not ICA/RDP session.
I sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

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