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Yubikey USB redirecting over RDP
on: Feb 13th, 2015, 1:03pm |
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I'm testing USB for Remote Desktop and I want to use a YubiKey over RDP. It is a hardware authentication device and it identifies itself as an external keyboard. Unfortunately, the USB over RDP server component filters all mouse & keyboard devices. In the "ftusbrdsrv.log" I see the following: [DEBUG]: CUsbServer OnDeviceInfoUpdated: ... Server: physical device arrived (id: 3, Name: Yubico Yubico Yubikey II, vid: 4176, pid: 16, bcd: 578 [DEBUG]: CUsbServer OnDeviceInfoUpdated:mouse//keyboard filtered I want to use the Yubikey with challenge-response feature for a two-factor security with KeePass. Is there any chance to define a "mouse/keyboard" filter exception for the Yubikey device?