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   Author  Topic: Interference between USB for Remote Desktop and Bl  (Read 6537 times)
Interference between USB for Remote Desktop and Bl
on: Jul 4th, 2012, 10:43am
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we need to redirect USB HID devices in Windows Terminal Server from both XP Remote Desktop Clients and from Win CE Thin Client Terminals.
We need also to connect to the client terminals Bluetooth dongles to redirect to the server the Virtual COM SPP Serial port mounted once our Bluetooth device has been paired to the terminal itself.
The USB device redirection works very fine using the pair USB for Remote Desktop workstation + USB for Remote Desktop Server but the Bluetooth stack on the terminal doesn't works if the USB for Remote Desktop workstation is installed.
Bluetooth pairing and Virtual COM Serial Port redirection on the Server works if USB for Remote Desktop workstation isn't installed but as soons as I install it, the BT stack stop working.
I absolutely need both (USB redirection AND Bluetooth stack working) on the Terminal and USB for Remote Desktop is my last chance.
The behavior is the same on the PC version of USB for Remote Desktop and on the Win CE version.
Can you give us some hints?
Thank you in advance.
AB Cry Cry
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Re: Interference between USB for Remote Desktop an
Reply #1 on: Jul 5th, 2012, 2:03am
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I regret to inform you that our drivers are not compatible with BlueTooth devices at the moment. This issue will be fixed in USB for Remote Desktop  version 5.0 that will be released approximately in 2-3 months.
Please take our apologies for this inconvenience. Though feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or proposals.
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Re: Interference between USB for Remote Desktop an
Reply #2 on: Jul 5th, 2012, 2:20am
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Dear Serge,
we don't need to redirect a Bluetooth device.
What we verified is that the drivers interfere with the USB Bluetooth dongle also if we inserted it in the black list (disabling the redirection).
Is there any possibility to inform the driver to completely ignore the USB dongle (inserting its VID-PID into some registry keys for example).
What we see is that has soon the USB for Remote Desktop Workstation driver see it plugged into the terminal, also if the dongle is inserted into the black list, the driver mount it in into the "Fabula Tech Shared USB devices" list in Device Manager and interfere with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack not allowing any more to do the pairing.
Is there some method to inform the driver to completely ignore the USB Dongle?
We need it urgenlty because we need to demostrate this possibility to a customer.
Andrea B.
on Jul 5th, 2012, 2:03am, Serge Frost wrote:
I regret to inform you that our drivers are not compatible with BlueTooth devices at the moment. This issue will be fixed in USB for Remote Desktop  version 5.0 that will be released approximately in 2-3 months.
Please take our apologies for this inconvenience. Though feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or proposals.  

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Re: Interference between USB for Remote Desktop an
Reply #3 on: Jul 5th, 2012, 3:13am
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Dear Andrea, check your email box. Let`s continue our conversion via email.
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