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   Author  Topic: USB over RDS (TS) License Question.  (Read 5409 times)
USB over RDS (TS) License Question.
on: Jun 11th, 2012, 11:33am
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Scenario for this conversation:
5 RDS Servers
25 RDS Remote Users
I will have 5 users/server for load balancing purposes. How would I license you product? 5 USB over RDS licenses or 25 USB ove RDS licenses or ??
Thank you in advance,
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Re: USB over RDS (TS) License Question.
Reply #1 on: Jun 12th, 2012, 5:26am
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Let me explain our licensing to you. As you may already know USB for Remote Desktop consists of two parts: Server and Workstation. Workstation part is free, you should pay for each installed Server only. So 1 license = 1 Server installation. However each license can be of different types depending on the number of devices redirected to each of the Servers simultaneously. We provide 1,5,10,20 and 50 device licenses. See here:
So, if you require, for example, 5 devices to be redirected to 1 Server at the same time then you need 1 license for 5 USB devices. If you have 2 server machines and 5 devices are redirected to each of them (10 in total) then you need 2 licenses for 5 USB devices. And so on.
I assume that the ideal licensing for you will be 5 licenses for 25 devices. Am I right?  
Have you already tried the trial version of the software? I'd like to draw your attention on the fact that USB for Remote Desktop emulates USB device on a low level. It means that all user devices appear on the remote server as if users unplug the devices from local machines and plug them into the server directly. So, any user logged into the server is able to access any redirected USB device. In other words, redirected USB device is not locked to the user session, it's available globally on the server. Let me know if this is ok with you.
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Mike Storm

Re: USB over RDS (TS) License Question.
Reply #2 on: Jun 12th, 2012, 8:44am
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Perfectly explained - thank you, that is exactly what I needed. Cheers.
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Re: USB over RDS (TS) License Question.
Reply #3 on: Jun 12th, 2012, 9:01am
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I sent you two emails. Did you get them?
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Mike Storm

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