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   Author  Topic: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5  (Read 5754 times)
Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
on: Jun 8th, 2012, 8:31am
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i have one single Windows 2003 Terminal Server. 7 Users access this Server via 7 different Igel UD5 Thin clients. Four of them should have access to USB Device. Therefore i bought 4 licenses.
Unfortunetly i can mount only at one Client a USB device for use in Win2003. If i start USB for remote desktop on an other client, the usb device isn't shown in the window.
I see only:
Terminal Server
|__ connection id: 2092
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Thanks in advance, Markus
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Re: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
Reply #1 on: Jun 8th, 2012, 9:10am
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Could you please specify some details for me?  
1. What devices do you redirect?  
2. What version of USB for Remote Desktop do you use?
3. As far as I understand you need to make your device connected to IGEL Thin Client to be available for other users on other IGEL clients. Am I right?
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Re: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
Reply #2 on: Jun 8th, 2012, 9:19am
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1. What devices do you redirect?  
Simple USB Memory Sticks 2GB - 8GB
2. What version of USB for Remote Desktop do you use?
Version: 2.8
3. As far as I understand you need to make your device connected to IGEL Thin Client to be available for other users on other IGEL clients. Am I right?
Other users on other IGEL clients do not have to see the memory sticks. All i want is a 1:1-relation. If i connect a usb stick to my igel, it's sufficient when i see/access this stick in Win2003.
The IGEL clients recognize the usb memory sticks, but they aren't forwarded to win2003.
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Re: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
Reply #3 on: Jun 8th, 2012, 9:27am
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Dear Markus,
What do you mean by saying that devices are not forwarded?  
You have shared the device, started the RDP session. Do you see your device in Device Manager on the server?
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Re: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
Reply #4 on: Jun 8th, 2012, 9:34am
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with "forwarded" i mean, that the usb stick is available in the IGEL OS but not in WIN2003 (RDP-Session).
USB for remote desktop works perfect at one! IGEL. The other IGEL's don't see their USB Sticks in WIN2003 - but in IGEL OS.
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Re: Windows 2003 Terminal Server & Igel UD5
Reply #5 on: Jun 11th, 2012, 2:46am
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Do you have similar flash stick from one manufacturer or they are different?  
Please send me the USB for Remote Desktop log files:
Please look for the logs in %systemroot%\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in %systemroot%\syswow64). The log file names should be:
ftusbrdpsrv.log - for USB for Remote Desktop Server
ftusbrdpwks.log - for USB for Remote Desktop Workstation
I need one log file from the server, from the computer where flash stick was redirected and from the computer where flash stick was not redirected.
Send them to my e-mail:
All further troubleshooting will be via email; Thank you.
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