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Posts: 2
Re: USB Redirected but Not Scanning
Reply #2 on: Aug 26th, 2011, 3:40am |
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I've emailed the below to you as well as posting it here: Dear Harry, Thanks for your response. I have tried what you suggested – I connected over RDP to the PC with the scanner attached and was able to use the scanner fully on that PC. It worked without any problems. I am still unable to get USB for RDP to work however. I have tried using USB over Network instead but that produces the same problem. The scanner is redirected and appears on the server as a device – I can view the device properties and the driver is correctly installed. The problem is that the scanner shows as unavailable and does not scan. I’d appreciate any help you could offer me with this. We are looking to buy licences for 2 USB devices but obviously the software must be working first!! Many thanks, Jamshed