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   Author  Topic: 50% works  (Read 5341 times)
50% works
on: Jul 13th, 2011, 8:01am
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First i tried the new program Webcam for RDP (Did not work quite well!)
Second tried to use USB for RDP got more succes but here is the problem:
In Skype the webcam is working, but in the program of Microsoft it doesntHuh
I see it in devices, but not in "Scanners and Camera's"
I need to get it to work in a whole different program where i can give you this information: Microsoft WDM Image Capture (WIN32) (Version 6.0.6001.180)
What now?
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Re: 50% works
Reply #1 on: Jul 14th, 2011, 6:00am
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Hello MyUnknownSelf,
Please specify what version of Webcam for Remote Desktop are you using?
And describe the issues that you have faced with Webcam for Remote Desktop?
Any additional details will be highly appreciated
We will gladly do our best to resolve the issues.
Please note that Microsoft Life Cam works only with Microsoft LifeCams.It does not support any other cameras. As Webcam for Remote Desktop creates a virtual FabulaTech webcam on server PC it is not supported with Microsoft Life Cam.
Try using another software that recognizes all cameras.
And check our website. Webcam for Remote Desktop Release Candidate is out!
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