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Problem if conneted via VPN
on: Apr 26th, 2011, 4:14am |
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Hi I have the following setup. One Windows XP Pro to wich clients connect. These clients are Win7Ultimate x64. Users on Win7 connect via RDP to the XP, and dictate trough an Philips Speech Mike Pro, which is connected via USB. The Speech Mike has a builtin speaker also. In order to do this, I am testing both Sound over RDP and USB for Remote Desktop. When connected via LAN and Wifi, everyting works great. But if connected via VPN, the sound gets chopped into pices, and makes it impossible to hear anything. If I unplug the Speech Mike, still connected via VPN, then the sound is great trough the laptop speakers. Are there som issues concerning VPN connections that you are aware off? Or do you have any other suggestions to how I can solve this problem? Kind regards Hanus