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   Author  Topic: redirecting USB thumb drives  (Read 5228 times)
redirecting USB thumb drives
on: Apr 11th, 2011, 8:13am
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What do you have to do to get USB for RDP to recognize thumb drives and or USB hard disks? documentation seems to suggest that only devices with installed devices are redirected, but when I plug in my thumb drive it becomes available to windows, but doesn't show in the list of potential redirects.
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Re: redirecting USB thumb drives
Reply #1 on: Apr 12th, 2011, 2:54am
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Dear MikeJ
Please send us the following information so we can
investigate the issue:
- Model name of the device does not appear in the list of potential redirects.  
- The system information of both PC where USB for Remote Desktop Workstation is installed. To get system information file  you need to do the
following: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System
Information File -> Save.
- The USB for Remote Desktop log file. Please look for the logs in
%systemroot%\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in
%systemroot%\syswow64). The log file names should be:
ftusbrdpwks.log - for USB for Remote Desktop Workstation
(Please keep in mind that workstation part redirects devices to server.  
List of f potential redirects is on workstation part)
Please send requested info to
Any additional information (or screenshots will be highly appreciated)
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