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   Author  Topic: Will it work with thin client without hard disk?  (Read 6314 times)
Will it work with thin client without hard disk?
on: Mar 24th, 2011, 5:19am
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We are currently using the AXEL AX3000 80F thin clients which have no hard drive - these connect directly via Citrix ICA through Terminal Services.
We would like our users to be able to use web cameras through these thin clients to use on citrix desktop for video conferencing purposes.
Does your product allow us to do this? As obviously we cannot install the client software on our thin clients due to the no hard-drive situation.
Please advise.
Thank You
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Re: Will it work with thin client without hard dis
Reply #1 on: Mar 25th, 2011, 4:52am
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Thanks for contacting us.
Unfortunately our software requires two parts to be installed, Workstation and Server. So if there's no way to install anything on the Workstation side, it won't work.
However, you may check how exactly your thin clients boot up - there is definitely some storage that contains the software (firmware) that allows you to log in to a terminal server. So the question is, where that storage is (maybe some small flash drive in the thin client or an external storage somewhere in the same network that stores the OS image for all thin clients) and what OS is used for your thin clients. We have versions for Windows, Windows CE and Linux.
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