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   Author  Topic: Problem with FingerPrint Reader  (Read 7608 times)
Problem with FingerPrint Reader
on: Mar 3rd, 2011, 6:01am
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I'm trying to use a DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000 Fingerprint reader over Remote Desktop. The program says that the hardware is connected and ready to use.
When I run a example program to test the fingerprint, says that the reader is disconnected (the drivers are installed).
I use Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 with Hyper-V as Workstation and a virtual machine in the Hyper-V as the server with Windows 2008 R2 x64 too.
If I use the other software (USB over Network) work perfect; but I need to work on Remote Desktop because Hyper-V enabled the sound and 3D only in remote desktop.
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Re: Problem with FingerPrint Reader
Reply #1 on: Mar 3rd, 2011, 6:36am
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Unfortunately Windows doest not allow using some devices in RDP session. PDAs, SmartCard Readers, HID devices are related to such devices. You can run a little test to ensure this. Connect your Fingerprint reader physically to PC and run the RDP session form another computer. Connect to the first machine through RDP and try to use the device. You will see that software does not recognize Fingerprint reader.
No workaround was yet found to this limitation. You can also try using  USB over Network to redirect the device and log in through RDP to the PC where you want to connect shared device.
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Re: Problem with FingerPrint Reader
Reply #2 on: Mar 23rd, 2011, 7:48am
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Well, as I told you I tried the USB over Network but only works if I use the Remote Desktop of Hyper-V. If I do it through Windows Remote Desktop, the reader stops working.
As I told you, the problem is that if I use Remote Desktop of Hyper-V I have no access to sound, or display with support for 3D, which is uncomfortable to work.
Can you verify which is the difference that makes it work from the Remote Desktop of Hyper-V and not work with Windows Remote Desktop?
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Re: Problem with FingerPrint Reader
Reply #3 on: Mar 24th, 2011, 2:32am
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Dear Dantrech
The difference  "Remote Desktop of Hyper-V" and Windows Remote Desktop Connection
is that "Remote Desktop of Hyper-V" provides you with access to console session of virtual PC, as if you're physically sitting at it.  
Windows Remote Desktop Connection connects you to remote session in which HID devices can not be used.
That is why it works only with "Remote Desktop of Hyper-V".
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Re: Problem with FingerPrint Reader
Reply #4 on: Mar 31st, 2011, 11:50am
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Finally I understand. Thanks for your answer.
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