FabulaTech Forum Full Member
Gender: Posts: 136
Re: Error 233 in windows 2000
Reply #1 on: Jan 19th, 2011, 6:41am |
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Dear Customer We are more then interested in resolving your issue. Please send the following information to support@fabulatech.com along with with the brief issue description so we can investigate it: - The system information of both PC's where USB for Remote Desktop (Server and Workstation) is installed. To get system information file you need to do the following: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information File -> Save. - The USB for Remote Desktop log files (check if they exist). Please look for the logs in %systemroot%\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in %systemroot%\syswow64). The log file names should be: ftusbrdpsrv.log - for USB for Remote Desktop Server ftusbrdpwks.log - for USB for Remote Desktop Workstation Thanks