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   Author  Topic: Cannot Redirect USB Device. Error (0).  (Read 5512 times)
Cannot Redirect USB Device. Error (0).
on: Nov 30th, 2010, 9:00am
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I'm testing out your software. We maybe purchasing approx 20-50 licenses depending on how my testing goes.
I'm trying to redirect a UPEK Biometric Coprocessor (USB Thumbprint scanner) with your USB for Remote Desktop (workstation).
When I try to redirect it I get the message Cannot redirect USB Device. Error (0). Module: UsbDevice (250).
I'm using windows 7 x64 as the client.
We will be using Windows XP x32 as the clients for production but this is just for my test.  
Can you let me know how we can fix this?
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Re: Cannot Redirect USB Device. Error (0).
Reply #1 on: Nov 30th, 2010, 9:53am
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Must be a Windows 7 x64 issue.
Got a client going with xp x32 and it works.
This will work for my testing.
If you'd like to troubleshoot the win 7 x64 issue let me know if not that is fine.
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Re: Cannot Redirect USB Device. Error (0).
Reply #2 on: Nov 30th, 2010, 11:46pm
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That would be really great to get some additional information about this issue.
Please specify the following:
- OS version and platform where USB for Remote Desktop Workstation is installed.
- OS version and platform where USB for Remote Desktop Server is installed (if I got it correctly it was Windows 7 64 bit)
- The version number of the USB for Remote Desktop on both of your computers.
Please send us system information from both your computers.  
(To get sysinfo you need to do the following:
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information  
File -> Save)
To make Workstation system information more useful please save it while your device is plugged in.
Any screenshots will be greatly appreciated. You can send them to as the issue description.
As for the licenses our manager from sales department will contact you soon.
Awaiting your reply and assuring of our best attention and service at all times.
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