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   Author  Topic: Testing the USB for Remote Desktop TRIAL Version  (Read 5076 times)
Testing the USB for Remote Desktop TRIAL Version
on: Oct 18th, 2010, 8:20am
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I'm testing de Trial Version of USB Remote for Desktop.
During my test, I have 2 PCs and 1 Server
When I acess the server using the PC1 with a WebCam or other USB device, it functions normally. My WebCam is redirected to the server.
Simultaneously, when I acess the server using the PC2 with a WebCam or other USB device, it's created other ID on the USB Remote for Desktop on the server, the USB device is redirected, but it isn't functions.
This is a limitation on the TRIAL Version ?
I need to validate the redirect of USB devices, using 2 or more PCs simultaneously.
May you help me ?
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Re: Testing the USB for Remote Desktop TRIAL Versi
Reply #1 on: Oct 19th, 2010, 1:23am
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The trial allows you to redirect 3 devices to the server, so you should be able to use that second camera.
My question is: have you installed that second's camera drivers on the server?
If you don't connect by PC1, and go straight to PC2, does the webcam get recognized?
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