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   Author  Topic: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation  (Read 5388 times)
cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
on: Oct 18th, 2010, 5:05am
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I've tried to install the usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation on my win7 pro pc
unfortionally my keyboard and mouse stopped working i've got a few bsod's
My keyboard and mouse were behind a usb-hub, if I connect them directly, they'll work again.
But when I try to deinstall the software, the software is gone, but every device is still also mentioned in the group FabulaTech Shared USB Devices, every device is a Shared USB Device. Also are still my usb-hub-devices not working.
Even a Windwos system recovery is unsuccesful.
How can I deinstall this software completely, so that my devices are working properly again and I don't have the 'fabualtech shared usb devices' in my device manager?
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #1 on: Oct 18th, 2010, 7:57am
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This sometimes happens when you enabled auto-redirection in USB for Remote Desktop Workstation Options. Re-install the software again, disable auto-redirection for the devices plugged in this hub, and then they should work again. Just uninstall USB for Remote Desktop again.
Let us know if this helps.
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #2 on: Oct 19th, 2010, 12:08am
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Thank you, my usb-mouse and keyboard are now working again (and i can get rid of the old ps2 mouse/keyb).
The only problem is that in my device manager all devices still are mentioned as a "Shared USB Device" in the group "FabulaTech Shared USB Devices", even when I reinstall and deinstall the app.  
If I deinstall the "Shared USB Device" in the device manager, the assoiciated hardware is re-recognized as "Shared USB Device" when I connect it again.
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #3 on: Oct 20th, 2010, 2:36am
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So as far as I understand, the devices work correctly now, but in device manager they are just listed as fabulatech devices?
That may probably be caused by some remains of registry entries. If that's crucial, we may do remote debugging and remove those entries so that devices are re-recognized as new again.
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #4 on: Oct 20th, 2010, 2:45am
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Yes, that's correct. My devices are working again.
But the devices are still seen as shared usb devices, while I have already uninstalled the workstation software.
(and tried to install and uninstall the workstation software, but that doesn't do the trick)
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #5 on: Oct 20th, 2010, 5:16am
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1. Please specify what version of the workstation was installed on this machine.
2. we need your sysinfo.  
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information  
File -> Save  
3. Can you see a USB for Remote desktop workstation in Add/remove programs?
4. Please specify how exactly you uninstalled it, using our MSI or via Add/Remove Programs?
5. Are you using the system under the Administrator's or user's account?
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #6 on: Oct 20th, 2010, 5:43am
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1. usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation.msi version 2.9.1
2. have saved it. Where can I send it?
3. no, not at this time.
4. using the Add/Remove programs.
5. I'm working under a user account with administrator rights.
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Re: cannot deinstall usb-for-remote-workstation
Reply #7 on: Oct 20th, 2010, 6:54am
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