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   Author  Topic: USB not redirected in Windows 2000 server  (Read 4943 times)
USB not redirected in Windows 2000 server
on: Apr 15th, 2010, 10:44am
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Hy all,
I need to redirect a smartcard reader from an Xp client to W2000 server with an RDP connection rather then Citrix Metaframe. I tried USB For Remote Desktop but on the server side I can see only the terminal server icon in the windows of the server application. I tried the same thing with RDP on W2003 server and it's all right, instead.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: USB not redirected in Windows 2000 server
Reply #1 on: Apr 16th, 2010, 12:58am
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Please tell us what version of USB for Remote Desktop you tried? Was the version the same on both sides?  
We have released version 2.8 a couple of days ago, and if you have not tried it before, please download it from and install on both sides.
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Re: USB not redirected in Windows 2000 server
Reply #2 on: Apr 22nd, 2010, 2:18pm
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thank you for reply.
I used version 2.7 on both sides. Then I tried 2.8 too, but the result was the same: on the server side only the terminal server icon was shown in the program windows.
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Re: USB not redirected in Windows 2000 server
Reply #3 on: Apr 23rd, 2010, 9:00am
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Maybe you have some firewall or other software that's blocking connection?
Can you please download our USB over Network and see if it works correctly to redirect the device? You should install USB over NEtwork Server on the local machine and USB over Network Client on the remote server.
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