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   Author  Topic: Trying to redirect USB MSR  (Read 5092 times)
Trying to redirect USB MSR
on: Oct 5th, 2009, 8:54am
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I'm trying to redirect USB MSR. It works fine on local PC. When going into USB over Remote Desktop, it is listed. I click it, click Redirect, then it gets a "yellow !" on it saying "Problem" Is there any way to get info on what the problem is? Other devices I can redirect fine.  
Going from Win XP SP2 to Win Server 2003
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Re: Trying to redirect USB MSR
Reply #1 on: Oct 5th, 2009, 11:56pm
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Let me explain what the yellow sign generally means. It means  
that  the program fails to 'grab' the device, although it sees  
it in the system. By enabling auto-redirecting you can allow the  
software to 'grab' it before Windows (or anything else that
might be using the device) does, and it functions normally  
after that. So this looks like what's happening in your case.  
To enable auto-redirecting go to "settings-preferences-auto redirecting,  
Enable auto-redirectingof USB devices". But remember that you must  
specify the devices that you DO NOT want to share in the  field  
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Re: Trying to redirect USB MSR
Reply #2 on: Oct 8th, 2009, 11:13am
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It worked for a day. Now I can't access the device locally. I'll turn off the "ready for redirection" and device works locally. I've tried it with doing the Auto-Enable, but it "auto-enables" other devices that I don't check and doesn't auto enable the only device that I do want.
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Re: Trying to redirect USB MSR
Reply #3 on: Oct 9th, 2009, 2:43am
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When you redirect a device to a server, it is not supposed to be seen  
by the system locally. Our system provides exclusive access to the redirected
So you are saying you can't see the device on the server when it's redirected?
Please give us as much information as possible.
Please reply via Email
Thanks! Awaiting your reply!
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